I'm getting tired of holding the postures!


Now, I'm certainly not going to quit, but I find myself longing for slouching in a chair or on the couch! My back feels tired. Tips?

remember, lying down for extended periods of time isn't in my lifestyle right now with 3 youngins', so don't tell me to lay in bed all day!

I feel the same but the pressure and UP has been sticking me in the butt! Literally!! :-p

I have to rest sometimes, and of course the kids want me to play all day so I had to find a compromise. I sit on the floor alot, cross legged with a nice straight spine (took a while to get there, I was really tight). I play on all fours and that gives my back a rest, is good for my prolapses I think but after a while my arms hurt. and my favorite is sidelying on the floor or couch.

I just want to remind you all that the body is very flexible and you can rest all you want. The first article of furniture was probably a hammock, which places the body in a very long and relaxed C-shape. Hunching down into soft couches for hours on end is another matter and something we should all take a careful look at.

Humans have always been workers, most of the day spent in soul-satisfying work. It would be difficult to separate work from play in trying to come up with the perfect definition of classic human activity. I love g-mom's description of playing with her kids on the floor.

The key is to think about bodily positions while we're at work or play that support our natural design. And take all the time necessary or desired to rest.
