Happy Mother's Day


Because if it weren't for my babies I doubt I'd know you all and that would be just plain sad!

I hope you all had wonderful days and thought fondly of your mother today and all the mothers on our big round mother earth.

Thank you, Alemama! We had such fun...I live in such a cool neighborhood, which until the late 1980s was a tumbled down, trodden city scape. Every year we hold a Mother's Day tour, where half a dozen of the old, victorian houses are open for the public to walk through (have to buy a ticket, which helps support the neighborhood association). There is a community garden too, with chickens and the nicest people. Then at Christmas time there's a Dicken's Dinner where everyone dresses up in Victorian garb and attends a five-course meal - each course held in one of the houses. There's even a horse-drawn wagon to take the people to and fro. So this year my little granddaughter spent the whole weekend with us and we had fun taking the tour after my daughter took us to brunch in the morning - then off she went to play her violin at a music event.

Thinking of you and your adorable family (you, too, Granolamom!) and all of our wonderful women who are someone's mom, daughter, or sister. Lots of love to all!

I'm on chapter six of my hips book! :)


Here's to Mums or Moms or Mothers, mothers-to-be, grandmothers, Nans, Nannas. Grammas, or whatever you are called by your kids, or grandkids, or whatever you call your own mother or grandmother! Without Mums the living part of the world would simply stop.

Here's to all the mothers who are no longer of this life, and to those in the twilight of their lives.

Here's to those quietly hatching babies in their bellies.

Here's to motherhood, with all its heart-fluttering pride and joy, and to its daily grind. Here's to the bleeding, the sweating, the labouring and the tears that are a part of this colourful part of us.


To all of you - hope it was a lovely day! - Surviving

Of the things I've done in my life, having children has been the best of me. I consider being a mother a gift and a privilege...all of it. I don't feel like I deserve to be honored for it -- it was an honor to me. Isn't that what is meant by "Happy Mothers' Day?" A celebration in fellowship of the wonder of being a mom or of having a mom. I like your toast, Louise. Cheers to us all.