How do you get a very soft stool?


Hi I'm new to this community. I posted my question in the wrong forum...sorry! Just getting the hang of things here. I ordered the Saving the Whole Woman book and the First Aid for Prolapse DVD. I'm hoping to get started on the postures ASAP. For now, I'm interested in a question regarding soft stools.

I have to take 600 to 800 mg of magnesium daily, eat lots of fiber, drink two 8oz glasses of green juice mixed with 2oz of aloe Vera juice to help soften stool. I have my one cup of tea that I use to drink in the morning bc I was trying to rely alkalinize my body BUT it really stimulated my urge to go first thing in the morning. I also start my day drinking about 25 oz of water along witn hot water and lemon. I'm a very conscious water drinker throughout the day as well. I know about splinting which has helped. Occasionally I drink apple cider vinegar. The pectin is suppose to help. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get the softest stool? Im thinking about starting my one cup of tea again, unfortunately.

I have tried high fiber diets but have really had intestinal cramping and bloating- even with all of the water I drink. I don't think my diet is lacking in fibre. I just need softer stools. I did some research and found that these food items soften food:

Black strap molasses
Apple pectin

Anyway, if anyone does anything that really helps, I would love to know.

Thanks for your advice!!

figs, any slightly underripe fruit, especially the fruits that do not need lemon juice to be added to increase pectin when making jam from them. Any jam stage stone fruit. Oranges, or presumably any citrus. This does not mean the juice only of these fruits. It means the pulp and some rind and chewing the pips as well. This is where the pectin is.

Any mucilaginous seeds, eg flax, psyllium husk (which is just the seed coating) , chia.

I think it is important to mix up the foods. some of them can have a strong purgative effect. The thread on magnesium tells me that overloading your system with a particular remedy can really irritate it. An already unhappy bowel doesn't really need any further irritation, just some help.