scary bm experience this am


I had a scary experience this morning and was wondering if this has happened to anyone else. I have a stage 2 rectocele (for 6 months now) and have been managing it fairly well so far. I'm really diligent about diet and not getting constipated. This morning I felt a strong urge to have a bm, so I went to the bathroom. I could feel the stool move thru my intestine's, like it may be a loose stool, but when it got to the bottom, nothing came out. I gently pushed a little, but nothing, and I could feel my rectocele grow bigger and it was hard as a rock, also, my perineum was bulging very low, but the anus was still tight together with nothing coming out. I got back up, (very uncomfortable) and went to have a big glass of water. The whole time I continued to have a strong urge to have a bm, after drinking the water I went back to the bathroom and tried again, this time I put a wad of toilet paper on my hand and pressed up firmly on my vagina as I had a bm. It was like an explosion. Soft formed at first, then very loose. This was very scary for me and don't know if it is more serious than I thought. Thanks for any advice. Marla

Marlajone, this sounds to me like the stool was getting 'stuck' in the pocket that your rectocele forms. Sometimes, splinting is required to pass a stool completely. Splinting is downward pressure on the vagina, which is what you did the second time. It is pushing on that bulge during a bowel movement so the stool can easily come out instead of getting stuck. Somebody bust me if I am wrong, but I experienced this same feeling for months before I knew I had a rectocele. It is quite uncomfortable! But I wouldn't worry, just splint if you sit down to go and nothin comes out. My doc told me to use two (washed) fingers inserted a couple inches into the vagina and press down, toward the floor, firmly yet not to hard. I hope this gives you some peace of mind! If this makes little sense feel free to ask more questions!