what is the posture and breathing


I've been trying to figure out what to do for my prolapse. I've been told to do knee and chest kegels, and there's nothing else to do. So, I found this information. But I can't figure out what the posture and breathing exercises are. I'm not in a place to buy any products right now, but feel pretty needy. Also, what does it mean to push your uterus forward every morning?
My newborn is three weeks old. We've had some difficulty with nursing. I've been pretty much sitting-nursing him for most of the day. I walk around a little, but not much. I'm very curious about the posture, because I feel like I'm always leaning over to nurse him. I'm not sure what else to do.
So, I have this prolapse, and I also have a daily trial at nursing him. I've been supplementing and nursing. But now, he just wants the bottle, and pitches a fit when I want him to nurse. So I have these two things going on daily. I feel like I don't do anything, except nurse, change diapers, and try and figure out how to help my prolapse. My husband and I are deciding to possibly take my son off the bottle, in hopes that if he nurses more, I will make more milk for him. All this seems so overwhelming to me. Does anyone have anything hopeful to say about this situation, or answers to my questions about the breathing, and posture exercises as well as pushing your uterus forward every morning? Please let me know. Thank you.

Hi Wonderful

You probably feel like you are carrying the weight of the world at the moment.

Firstly, I suggest that you seek out a Lactation Consultant to help with your nursing difficulties. If you decide to take baby off the bottle it will only take a few days for your milk supply to start increasing but you will still have to perservere with frequent feeding to get it stabilised. Baby may be hungry for a while, and that might not be a good move if his weight gain has not been really good. That's why I am suggesting getting professional help, to boost your confidence during the process, and because she will know what she is doing, and what is possible, how long it will take, the likelihood of success, and also help you to deal with attachment difficulties.

There are various techniques for doing this, all based on putting the baby to the breast frequently, changing breast frequently, at night as well, and always putting baby to the breast well before his/her hunger is satisfied, usually before he gets any formula. It might also involve a lactation aid which will deliver formula or expressed milk, through a fine tube inserted into the side of baby's mouth, while baby is at the breast. Lots of possibilities.

Having knowledgable help with nursing will also decrease your worry level, and make you feel better, which will be good for your milk supply.

You could also try nursing lying on your side, or sitting in a chair, with a cushion supporting your lumbar spine. Putting baby on a fat pillow on your lap will also bring him up to breast level so you don't have to slouch over him.

Postpartum prolapse is just another difficulty for you to deal with. As long as you don't do a lot of extra lifting and carrying, other than baby, you probably won't do any further damage. Postpartum prolapse tends to fix itself, though it can take many patient months before you will see much improvement.

In your position I would be putting the prolapse to the back of your mind, get professional help with nursing, feed lying down, or well-supported in a chair with baby on your lap, and just get your nursing re-established.

Then come back in a couple of weeks, when you can them put the focus back on you and your prolapse.

Baby steps. One thing at a time. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful husband, who obviously cares greatly for you and your baby.


Just had one question about nursing. Is it bad to sit on the bed with a pillow supporting back and one under the baby- is this bad for your prolapse.

Hi wonderful woman,
Using pillows for support is a great idea. I used to use pillows a alot with my babies. They were so helpful, I could nurse the baby on a pillow/s on my lap which meant I didn't have to bend over - and then if they fell asleep it was easy to transport them somewhere safe or carry them around on a pillow...
Re WW posture, many women find a pillow/cushion/back support helpful support behind their back somewhere around the lower lumbar curve when they're feeding and just generally when sitting, esp when driving in the car.

Re posture - at some point for any woman with prolapse I think it's helpful to get the 'prolapse bible' aka 'saving the whole woman' book. It's so full of helpful info, resources and suggestions. You can also type in 'whole woman posture' at various sections of this site, blog, library etc and also in youtube. Sometimes it's helpful to ge the visuala. At some point in the future, when you have more time to yourself, (yes I promise you that day will come!) - many women find it very helpful to do a regular WW exercise program and the WW dvd's are great aids for doing these.

For now, just think tall. When you sit, stand and walk.. don't round/hunch your shoulders - lift your chest up, arms and hands by your sides if they're free, holding your baby/anything up close and by chest if poss and keeping your lower lumbar curve... Louise once described walking in WW posture as having a bearing like a queen with a regal upright but relaxed posture looking down on her minions. I still remind myself to look down on my minions sometimes!

And rest - if/whenever you can. Mum's need rest.

Good luck - and give the little one a kiss from me!

The above post answered my question about sitting. Sitting in a chair or on a car seat for hours at a time would seem impossible without some sort of lumbar support.

What posture is best when lying in bed?? On your back with a lumbar pillow support, on your side with proper lumbar curvature, on your tummy with proper lumbar curvature??

You have no worries when lying down. Gravity is on our side then. You can rest any way you like but it is good to place a pillow between the knees when lying on your side. Best wishes to you!