Suggestions for cardio?


I was diagnosed this week with "vaginal vault prolapse" and am in constant, considerable pain. Besides Christine's DVD's/exercises, does anyone have other ideas for exercise?...especially cardio? I have the impression that my pain might be helped if I lost some weight (about 20 lbs.), but it's hard to want to move at ALL - especially upright - in this pain...and I am also afraid to make it worse with high-impact activities.

Anyone tried swimming?


Hi abqangel - Besides any and all of Christine's exercises, I would suggest lots and lots of walking in excellent WW posture. i agree you should be cautious of anything high-impact. Swimming is great prolapse-friendly exercise. - Surviving

Thanks again for the response, Surviving 60. I also think swimming would be great - and very suitable for my situation but don't currently have access to a pool, unfortunately. Trying to think creatively here...

Wish walking were more comfortable. I can only go a few steps at present without feeling I need to sit down and "take a load off." It's difficult to imagine living this way indefinitely!

Abqangel, have you tried the posture and can you comfortably stand/move that way? Can you firebreathe? Post-hyst you can still definitely benefit from doing this work. - Surviving

Thanks again, Surviving. Yes - I've tried to posture and can MORE comfortable move/stand this way, though it still hurts. Today, for some reason, I'm doing better. I'm not sure if just trying the posture throughout the day yesterday would have made that much difference but I also had my first PT session and the therapist said that there's some tightness in my bowel she wants to work on first. She massaged it a bit and I'm wondering if that helped too. I'm awaiting Christine's DVD in the mail and am looking at the workout in the book too, after meeting with her for a one-on-one session last month. I just need to DO it!!!! Thanks for all your suggestions - here and throughout the forum.