Pain management


After reading numerous letters by other forum members, it seems like the amount of pain women experience is not at all related to the level or nature of their prolapse.

I was diagnosed this week with "Stage 1" (minor) vaginal vault prolapse and yet my pain is fairly intense sometimes (at least the way I experience it). My doctor refuses to prescribe pain meds "until I complete PT" so I've been rationing my use of ibuprofen and aspirin, both of which take the edge off but do not eliminate the pain completely. Apparently (according to him), this is mostly just an "inconvenience" (not life threatening) and I shouldn't be afraid to do normal housework-type activities, but it's hard to move forward when everything hurts (including sex....ideas???)

Can others share what they've done to manage their pain aside from NSAID's and other OTC medications?

Compressing the abdominal/pelvic area seems counter-productive to The Posture and Christine's methods; however, I'm wondering if anyone has word compression/support bands and found them helpful for the pain?


Hey abqangel. I am shocked that your doc is putting you off. When everything hurts including sex (can you imagine if a man came in with that symptom- would he get dismissed? unlikely) you need help.
Can you find a new doc who will get to the bottom of this pain?
What kind of compression band are you thinking of?

Hi Alemama!

Thanks so much for replying. I'm thinking about going back to my GP because - as traditional physicians usually are - she's more open to pulling out her prescription pad. Not that I think this is an answer for everything but she's more likely to discuss my pain and try to help me with it.

Before my surgery (when I was in pain for other reasons) - I was on a drug no one seems to know about here in NM called (Low Dose) Naltraxone. In larger doses, it's used to help with heroin addiction/withdrawal but, in lower doses (4.5 mg/daily), it's been found to help with pain with NO known side effects and even some immune-boosting properties.

I sincerely doubt she will have heard of this but found a pharmacy in Colorado who's willing to work with me if she's willing to write a script. Anyway, that's where I'm at and I hope this piece of info his helpful to you as well. What is your situation?

In re: to a band, I see various products online that look like pregnancy support bands. It actually doesn't lessen the pain too much to "support" my abdominal area but I'm just wondering if this would have any protective effects. Based on what I know so far of Christine's methods, it might actually make things worse, but I'm just not sure...

Thanks again for trying to help. I'm new at this and completely overwhelmed.

Sorry - that was Low Dose NaltrExone (not Naltraxone). NALTREXONE...just in case you want to do some research of your own. One good site is