Blessing in disguise?


Perhaps my worst fear about this whole prolapse situation is how it will affect my health as I age. At 34, I hope to live to a ripe old age, and I was very scared that my prolapses would keep getting worse with time and that this would lead to poor quality of life later on. But this morning I had a thought - What if the opposite is true?
Before giving birth to my daughter and suffering the prolapse, I was a chronic tummy-sucker and bum-tucker. I also had extremely tight hip muscles no matter how much yoga I did, and had chronic neck, shoulder and TMJ pain. Knowing now what I know about posture (thanks to Christine's work), I can see how holding my body incorrectly was starting to really mess with me. Who knows how these problems would have worsened over time if I had continued to hold myself that way? Actually, I wonder if my quality of life at a later age would have suffered more from these posturally-induced problems than from the prolapse! I think so. Funny how life goes.


Thanks for posting this beautiful positive thought. I am much older than you, but I am thinking the same thing! How fortunate we are to be here and learning all that we are thanks to Christine, Lanny, Nikelle, Surviving, Louise and all these wonderful teachers and women! Best wishes to you.

these things come to us so that we will search and find solutions before major problems occur. I am so thankful that the women who have gone before us have shared their experiences with us here on the forum so that we can avoid some of the 'traps' set for us by the medical system.

I am also thankful for my hubby's advice to me three weeks ago, "Do your homework -- find out for yourself what you should do about the fibroid and the prolapse." In following his advice, I came upon Christine's site and I am amazed at the wealth of information here.

Although I was facing probable surgeries (still have to see the gyn next Thursday), I am so thankful to find out that surgery is NOT the answer to my problems. It is so nice, on this side of the question of hysterectomy, to KNOW that hysterectomy and prolapse 'fixes' will probably cause future complications.

So, I agree with you, Bonne Maman, that this is truly a blessing and can help us manage our prolapse (and other problems) so that we will have a better quality of life in the future.


Ladies, these words are music to my ears! I have said several times on this forum that I considered my prolapse a blessing, knowing full well that there were probably not many who would understand or share my feeling. I'm hoping that when the hips book comes out, many more will realize the HUGE implications of posture on lifelong hip and spine health, and will throw themselves body and soul into this work. - Surviving

Yes - so true. My pop journey has taken me down a path of healing and happiness. I wouldn't wish pop on anyone. However - it has turned my life around for the better.

I am so thankful for this site.
I read posts every evening and usually something pertains to questions I had on my mind.
I am starting to realize how much healthier and aware of my body I am because of my prolapse.I have lost about 12 pounds due to my diet change.I have become more gentle with myself ,but have been able to continue with everything as before,just a little slower and ALWAYS in posture!!
Thank you all so much for your love, guidance and knowledge that you share !
The posture is a god send!!Most days I can't even feel my prolapse.
I have the book ,the First Aide For Prolapse DVD and the Yoga bundle.
I brought the book to our local health food store for them to see and maybe order to have for at the very least a reference.They seemed very interested,
I look forward to our continuing to heal together!

Thanks cloudbliss for helping to spread the word. We are lucky to be here, aren't we? - Surviving

I feel honored to be here!