Newly acquired cystocele and rectocele


Okay ladies, it has been a comfort reading the forums and knowing that I am not alone. Just recently did I discover that I have both a cystocele and rectocele. I had a hysterectomy 32 years ago so I guess I should consider myself lucky that it has taken this long to develop. I feel so bad for all you young ladies out there that are still having and raising children and having to deal with these female problems. At my age, I can pick and choose what I will lift and how much I will do in a day but I know as a young mother, you don't always have those choices.

I opted to have a pessary instead of surgery for the time being because we are going on an extended trip and I didn't want surgery to mess with our plans; however, I would like to know if anyone has any good suggestions for relief from the rectocele. The pessary has helped immensely with the cystocele. It did take about a week and a half to get used to it. Initially, it felt like I had a ball bat up my vagina. Just wanting to know how you ladies that have a rectocele deal with it. Thanks for any help to the newby.

Hi dlou and welcome. I will try to answer your questions the best I can.

I have cystocele and rectocele and I find them to be quite manageable with a full-on commitment to Whole Woman posture and lifestyle. But having a uterus is relatively important in making this work as it should. Your situation is a bit different because you no longer have the "hub of the wheel" and the accompanying round ligaments that can help pull and hold the organs forward in the relaxed lower belly.

When all the "parts" are still present, the overall best course of action is posture. Some women get some symptom relief from a pessary, others don't, and pessary can actually be quite aggravating to a rectocele. Since you are post-hyst I can only suggest that if something helps, do it.

Judging from your post it seems that you are still on a path toward further surgery and just looking for temporary relief until you can have things repaired. I hope you will spend more time researching this, as you will most likely only be trading one set of problems for another. - Surviving

Thank you Surviving for your input. It caught my attention when you said "pessarys can actually be quite aggravating to a rectocele." That is what I am finding. I asked my Dr. about contraindications involved with a pessary and she said the only thing I needed to watch for was bleeding. Unfortunately that has not been true for me. I have had bad cramps that feel like menstrual cramps and having more trouble having a bowel movement than I did before she put it in. Haven't had cramps in a lot of years and can't say that I've missed them. My frustration is that my doctor seems to care less what I am going through. How would she like to be in agonizing pain and be told you'll have to wait for an opening to get it taken out or at least a smaller one put in.

Thank you Surviving for your input. It caught my attention when you said "pessarys can actually be quite aggravating to a rectocele." That is what I am finding. I asked my Dr. about contraindications involved with a pessary and she said the only thing I needed to watch for was bleeding. Unfortunately that has not been true for me. I have had bad cramps that feel like menstrual cramps and having more trouble having a bowel movement than I did before she put it in. Haven't had cramps in a lot of years and can't say that I've missed them. My frustration is that my doctor seems to care less what I am going through. How would she like to be in agonizing pain and be told you'll have to wait for an opening to get it taken out or at least a smaller one put in.

Body, I am fighting the same battle as you with a cystocele and a rectocele and had a hysterectomy in the 80's. I am seeing a urogyn and was fitted with a pessary. I couldn't wear it as it unkinked my uretha and urine poured and I had no control. I was told my only other option was to live with it or have surgery. Due to other health issues and my age and lack of success of surgery I am trying to live with it. It is so hard and a daily fight so I can sympathize with you.