Sympathetic health professionals in Melbourne


Hi ww ladies
I am really struggling with my adenomyosis and am about to get the Mirena IUD inserted to try and help alleviate my symptoms. Been resisting this for some time as I am not happy about hormones but my uterus is so heavy and big it's really affecting my prolapse (s)
ANYWAY I want to know if anyone has seen a GP, gyno, or any HP that won't automatically tell me to get a hysterectomy in Melbourne Australia. Someone who will work with diet/ natural supplements or even someone who knows a little about prolapse!
My OB/GYN is male and said my prolapses were mild and did not affect my life. Asked him if he has to splint his internal organs every time he needs to poo or if he can feel HIS cervix trying to exit his body!! Just feeling like I'm getting nowhere...
Sorry for rant my main question was just has anyone seen anyone in Melbourne that is any good?
Thanking you

Hi Ginny

I suggest that you contact Carol Glasgow, our new Practitioner in Geelong. She is not a medical practitioner but she might be able to point you in the right direction. Her contact details are under the Practitioners' Tab at the top of the page.


thanks louise. will do