When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
If you are already a registered user you may now log in and post. If you have lost your password, just click the request new password tab and follow the directions.
Please review and agree to the disclaimer and the forum rules. Our moderators will remove any posts that are promotional or otherwise fail to meet our guidelines and will block repeat offenders.
Remember, the forum is here for two reasons. First, to get your questions answered by other women who have knowledge and experience to share. Second, it is the place to share your results and successes. Your stories will help other women learn that Whole Woman is what they need.
Whether you’re an old friend or a new acquaintance, welcome! The Whole Woman forum is a place where you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of thousands of women around the world!
Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
October 8, 2013 - 10:17pm
Love this post Arizona!
Love this post Arizona! Thanks!
October 8, 2013 - 10:54pm
Hi Kiko!
It was just the strangest experience. I am so new to this and still trying learn the posture and exercises. I think my bones and muscles are "waking up". I have found the last three days or so that I am no longer comfortable sitting or standing my old way but also am not able to maintain the posture for long periods either, which I attribute to muscle weakness from my poor posture and now I am engaging those muscles and they just get tired and ache. Laying on the floor for a few minutes throughout the day seems to help with the aches and my cat seems to think I do this for her...we won't tell her otherwise. Grocery shopped yesterday and had a particularly bad spasm between the shoulder blades which for one short moment made me consider laying down in the aisle but thought better of it, how does one explain that: "Well, it all started when my bladder fell in my vagina....."
October 9, 2013 - 4:43am
Love these posts too! I feel more motivated now too!
October 9, 2013 - 5:02am
For all newbies and those in doubt
Thank you so much for posting this, Arizona. It has always been my hope that everyone who comes here will persist with the work until they reach that moment of realization. I am so glad that you heard that voice calling you back when you were having doubts. Christine's teachings always resonated with me since the very first moment.....but it did not "click" until much later, after some ups and downs and a realization that I needed to put more into this in order to get more out. I too had a moment such as yours after several months. And I still get moments like that which serve as reminders when I slip into a bad body position. I correct and I feel things inside moving back into a better place. So keep up the good work and please continue to share. We are all on a mission to make this world a better and safer place! - Surviving
October 9, 2013 - 9:04am
Surviving, you told us so...from the very beginning. Wonder how many times you have explained the WW posture over the years :-> I troll this forum for every bit of information I can find and, over and over again I see you welcoming the newies and not so newbies; reinforcing the importance of the WW posture. Maybe my little inner voice was not mine at all. LOL!!!
October 9, 2013 - 9:57am
We each must do the work
Arizona, it was definitely your own voice that you heard, because like me, you felt in your gut that there was a hard truth in these teachings! When members like you come on here to describe your moment of realization, it can be so much more powerful for others to read than the perpetual naggings of someone like me. So thank you thank you thank you.
Remember that you will still have your days that are not so good. But what you won’t have, are the fear of the future, and sense of having no control. You have conquered these.
Ladies, it is truly up to each of you. We cannot make this work for you, only you can do that. Get help if you need it, but don’t throw away what this knowledge could do for you. - Surviving
October 9, 2013 - 10:24am
Hi LaughLoveLive
Thanks laughLOVElive...glad I could help with motivation ;-) It truly takes a bit of patience and exorcising the old notions of how we are suppose to "heal" ourselves: Arnie Kegel, surgery, Arnie Kegel some more, surgery again. I'm so glad I found this site and all of the wonderful encouraging women here. I have finally come to terms with my prolapses (well, for the most part) and it helps to know I am not alone out here, though if I could wish it away I would...for all of us. Well, time to get the tiny terror....er, grandson, to school.
October 9, 2013 - 12:32pm
Thank you so very much for persisting, Arizona. Restoring our natural posture is really the only reasonable response to prolapse and adult-onset hip pain. It is all the same process, defined by full restoration of female lumbar curvature. I understand the whys and wherefores so much more thoroughly now and am chomping at the bit to start screaming it from the rooftops, which I don't want to do until the hips book has shipped. It will be another learning curve for everyone, which I will accomplish step by step through my blogs.
I had a long chat with one of the curators of our natural history museum yesterday (we were photographing dinosaur and mammalian acetabulae), since he was curious about what we were doing. I gave him the whole anatomic story, which rather blew his mind. Our best scientists *have no idea* that we have a quadrupedal pelvis and a spine that is responsible for both organ placement and hip health. No one understands how very misguided the "core strength" craze is, and that the prototype of natural human posture is the young child and pregnant woman. All will be revealed soon! :)
There is a new chair workout in the hips dvd that you might prefer over the Whole Woman Workout in the book. I love that program, but it really needs to be on dvd instead of in a book. This has been a work in progress!
Thanks so much for being here. I feel I have lost touch with everyone, but expect to be around more in the near future. Tomorrow Nikelle and I set off on another one of our adventures to try to find the last footage for the hips dvd. We like to make little movies out of our exercise dvds and this one is no exception. Someday we should write a book about our adventures...we seem to have "Thelma and Louise" moments trying to get great shots while avoiding park rangers, Indian police, and land owners. Wish us luck!
October 9, 2013 - 1:19pm
What amazing and challenging work you do. I am inspired by your patience and persistence. What a beautiful family you have, a wonderful blessing. Safe travels to you and Nikelle as you wander our beautiful southwest deserts. I cannot put into words how thankful I am to have found your site. You have saved so many of us from making bad decisions in moments of panic and have brought clarity and calm to our minds and hearts. And about those dinosaurs, love them...makes me giggle to think those old bones are giving you insight to saving mine. I saw Sue (the T-Rex) and was amazed to learn that she suffered from arthritis...as well as abcessed teeth. Also that she had a break in a bone that would have precluded her from hunting until it healed, so they surmised that the females may have roamed together and they shared their food. But since then have also learned that they may have scavenged...so who knows. I prefer the females helping females scenario :-) Keep shouting!
October 9, 2013 - 7:59pm
waiting for the click
Hi All
Arizona has described something very important. She accidentally discovered that what she had read in the book had not been translated into posture changes.
'Intention' is everything. Think, "I intend to reposition my pelvic organs. It will happen." When you think you 'get it', and have made postural changes, but there is no improvement POP symptoms, just rearrange your posture again, and keep checking it a few times every day. Go back to the beginning every time. You may get a sudden improvement, or something more subtle at first. Keep adjusting it. It will keep getting better. It will probably be several years until you really plateau at 'as good as it is going to get'.
Sometimes, as Arizona experienced, it is a sudden revelation that your body has not done its postural adjustments very well, yet.
Arizona, you are now listening to your body and its signals. This is a major step towards trusting it again.
Louise :-)
yoga nan
October 21, 2013 - 1:14pm
new & working it
Diagnosed 3 weeks ago and devastated! Have a backgound in dance, yoga, qigong and Reiki. Always healthy and then I turned 70! Assumed a hysterectomy would solve this problem. Fortunately found the WW website and was so inspired. The yoga DVDs are wonderful-- I do one or more everyday. Do lots in my yoga classes (I teach 2 a week) with my favorite psoas muscle and of course, diaphramatic breathing. Had just joined a fitness center and signed up for ballet barre, Zumba Gold & Qigong but figured I'd have to cancel these classes if my uterus was falling down!! My subconscious went into pelvic and Kegil tightening--trying to keep everything in. The WW breathing is opposite of yoga breathing (belly out on inhale, relaxed on exhale) and I'm working on that. Any advice? Will there be a time when I won't have to push uterus back? Any advice on best way to do that?
I know how lucky I am to not be dealing with this as a young mother. I've the time and incentive to continue with this program for as long as it takes and maybe share with others. I've changed the way I teach Mountain pose and insert Christine's yoga even in classes with men students. Grateful for testimonials.
October 22, 2013 - 5:55am
Hi yoga nan, welcome and
Hi yoga nan, welcome and thanks for a great inspiring post. I'm happy for every woman who finds her way here at the right time. How is the posture going, are you starting to feel a shift around the hips and lower spine? It took me into my second year for this to "click". I don't have a serious uterine prolapse, mine are of the "nature's pessary" variety, but I can tell you that diligent posture work, lots of WW firebreathing and jiggling those organs forward will set you on the right path. There are others here better able to address the challenges of keeping the cervix inside; that is certainly the first goal if you are not there yet. Thanks for writing! - Surviving
yoga nan
October 28, 2013 - 2:33pm
still a challenge
Thank you, surviving60 for the encouragement. I need to navigate this site to find others with the prolapse that won't stay put. This Saturday was a challenge as I tried to assist with granddaughters birthday party while trying to keep internal organ internal. I feel I should be getting this posture with all the body work I've done but soft belly doesn't feel right and I really have to think about it. What are good standing & sitting postures? Currently I sit on a chair (like now using the library computer) with legs apart and leaning forward. I really love the 3 yoga DVDs and also do the ballet. With the firebreathing is it like A&P breathing, pull belly to spine or nauli, lift ab wall up & in? I always feel like I'm not doing it correctly. Mentally I'm about at the place where I realize this is the new normal and a lifetime journey. But so grateful that there's a way to work through this.
October 28, 2013 - 6:45pm
Yoga nan, you do need to nail
Yoga nan, you do need to nail the posture. I was into my second year before I stopped having to think about it all the time. So be nice to yourself, but don't let up! Are you anywhere near a practitioner? Did you read Free2be's new post about her session? - Surviving
October 28, 2013 - 7:05pm
Yoganan, that's a good
Yoganan, that's a good question about firebreathing. I think of it as a very strong yoga cat arch. Not the same as nauli, not quite the same as uddiyana bandha, but still that feeling of pulling both up and in. I think Christine developed it as a combination of cat arch and uddiyana bandha, except there's no"locking" and the outbreath is through the mouth.
It took me a long time to get the idea/hang of it. I had to stop thinking about it and just do it!
October 28, 2013 - 7:45pm
Me too - I didn't even try it
Me too - I didn't even try it for the first year, during which time I only had the book and no DVDs. I understood the breathing pattern I was suppoed to use, but kept doing it backwards! Inhaling when I should have been exhaling, and vice versa. Just had to keep working until it became natural, and seeing it on the DVD helped. Best demos are in WWY3 and in the Dictionary of Movements in FAFP. - Surviving
yoga nan
November 2, 2013 - 2:28pm
how to find post
Still not real familiar with navigating a forum. How do I read Free2be's new post? I did get on pelvic health forum and read about sea sponges for an hour! I don't own a computer--simplified my life after retiring--and use library computers 2-3 times a week (have iphone to read e-mails). After an hour at computer my neck muscles are done!
Aging gracefully
November 2, 2013 - 2:41pm
I just now typed her name in
I just now typed her name in the search box upper left corner. A post came up with her name in it. I clicked on the post and then her name. I then clicked on track, and came up with all the posts she commented on.