new diagnosed..mild POP


Hi ladies..
Well im finally had the appoinment with obgyn, i list him my symtomp and my worries about pelvic organ prolape.
This is how he diagnosed me.:
Im lying down not fully lying down cause my bit up with both leg wide open as if im.going to give birth, he asked the nurse to give him a mirrow to give it to me..because he also want me to see what he is doing while he examined my pelvic.
With my leg open wide, bearing down he told me to push and to cough and he ask me " do you see anything out from.your vagina?" i said no...he said yes this is normal.then he said this is my vagina..labia minor and mayor ,also perinium whivh he said mine is bit short tug inside which he said is good.Im tear once its 11 years ago and perinium condition is good for my age 36 eith 4 children and 3 born vaginaly.
Now he put the mirrow away and put plastic speculum inside athentjen he said i had very mild cystocele,rectocele and my cervix is fine..he turn the speculum to check around down there.
Next he took out the speculum and with two of his finger inside he ask if i can feel his finger i said yes he said my the diagnosed for me is : very mild cystocele,rectocele with fine cervix position..
I dont have to limit my activity..he said do and live normal as before.
He said the way he did his examine with me holding the mirrow is to educate me more about my vagina and to relief my fears and worries about POP,he knew i educate myself trough digging google which he said is good so i dobt go in with blind information of not knowing whats going on.
I really like this Obgyn he is a professor and he said to me before he examine me : even if i do have pop (which i do in mild stage) i have nothing to worries about..pop is common just sometime woman dont have the courage to come forward and choice to suffer in silence.
Im watching my posture now..also exercise..i wanna be healthy.
Is there any treatment for me to reverse this mild prolapse? what should i do? I want to relief my symtomp as well.
Thank you ladies and forgive me for TMI.

It sounds like you had a very reassuring doctor visit and have found an OBGYN that you are comfortable with. I'm going to echo suggestions that I have learned from the wonderful ladies on this forum. First read around, there is a ton of information here. Just type whatever you are interested about in the Search Box above. Start adopting the WW posture. Do exercises that are prolapse-friendly (check out the WW Store). You mention "symptoms" but did not specify this time. I looked at one of your other posts and it appears to be bladder related. Two of our fine ladies had suggestions I found helpful: Peeing on all fours in the shower and peeing standing up - thanks Louise and Fab. My cystocele is more in the moderate range. I will sometimes gently push it back to get it off the urethra so I can empty. I have noticed it is easier to pee if I stay hydrated. Please read through the different forums, you will find answers to questions you haven't even thought of yet :-)

I have a severe cystocele_ what do you mean you gently push it up to get it off the urethra? I guess I don't understand the anatomy of doing that. I would like to do that also. can you do that sitting on the toilet or do you have to be standing to pee to do that? thanks for your help

While sitting on the toilet I use one finger to gently push my cystocele upward and then relax the muscles around my urethra as much as possible to release the trapped urine. Sometimes it works better if after you hold the cystocele back, you slowly let it sink forward again and then it will work. This is harder to explain than to do. You'll just have to experiment with it. But you have to relax the muscles around the urethra just as you do when you pee normally. So pee as normal first, then try the above for the residual urine. You will pee on your hand, but hey, you're going to wash them anyway :-) Also, DON'T try to push the urine out by pushing with the pelvic muscles or using force with your finger. You just want to get the get the pressure off the urethra for a bit so it can relax and do it's own thing.

Hi and thanks for your response: i will try and experiment with the way you describe it---i do try and push the urine out using my pelvic muscles

Yep, I think we all at some time have thought we could "just push it out". It never worked for me, just made the urge to go worse. I also think that could be damaging to the urethra, especially if it is kinked (too much pressure). Oh, yes you can do this standing up -- in the shower though, which might not be a bad idea as it seems everything relaxes with warm water. I truly hope this will work for you, the urge to pee can drive you nutters.