

I am 59 have not been in a sexual relationship for 8 years. A few months or so ago while taking a shower I am always checking things out here and there to make sure there is nothing new growing anywhere on my body....while doing this I felt a bulge in my vagina. Didn't think much about it I knew or at least I thought I had went through menopause and it might just be a part of all that. I have not had a period in 9 years., but about three weeks ago I went to the bathroom and there was pink tinge on the toilet paper and it has been doing this now on and off since. I have went a few days and there has been nothing. I have never had anything on my clothing its just when I wipe and no I know its not coming from urine. I also noticed the bulge is a little further down to the point when I am on my feet for long periods or do something that is straining it will be right at the entrance of my vagina like a ball is going to fall out but when I lay down for awhile it almost goes away and hardly noticeable especially in the morning. If I do the exam like I was showed online and push the bulge up in it goes in easily up behind my cervix and everything feels normal up in there.
I cannot say that I know I have gone through menopause outside of having no periods I have had no symptoms that one would think you would have going through menopause. My life is filled with stress I mean on a scale from 1 to 10 its a 20 due to personal issues. My vaginal is extremely dry and I read online that lubrication can help with prolapse(if this is what I have) and I got some and used it last night and it doesn't feel as bad now.
I am so scared because I have read where spotting can be a sign of cancer ...there has not been really red blood or spots of red blood its just pink spotting about the size of a dime sometimes a fifty cent piece depending on what I have done in my day. I have to add also when feeling up inside and flexing muscles I still have control for the most part just do not know what to think about the bulge what is causing it and the bleeding...I know prolapse and vaginal dryness and hormones being stressed can cause bleeding but I guess I am just freaked out it could be cancer..
I called around to some doctors and found one that would take my insurance but the first thing they started talking about was surgery and I just don't want to go that route if its not necessary. I can't get into the Dr for almost a month and this is really worrying me also because I don't know what to think about everything...there is just so much information out there but what is truth and what isn't.
Please if anyone here has had this experience please help me.

Hi Flxwg, welcome to the WW forum. I hope you can get some reassurance. We aren’t medical folks here and can’t really tell you what to do….only what we think.

Does this small amount of pink tinge correspond to your understanding of cancer signs? It sounds more like a bit of irritation caused by dryness and things rubbing together. If it is worrisome to you, keep an eye on it for now (keep a diary of it perhaps) and if you continue to be worried, get it checked out. The bleeding I mean…… for the prolapse itself, sadly most doctors are not helpful. Could be a UTI even though you sound convinced it is not in the urine…..any problems emptying? That is common with prolapse and must be addressed.

I came to an awareness of my prolapse at roughly your stage of life. I started doing the Whole Woman posture work and have found my stress over my body has turned completely around. Most women have this condition in some manner or another, certainly by post-menopause and in many cases years or even decades sooner. So try to nip this fear in the bud and start looking into Christine Kent’s body of work which will teach you have to live very well with prolapse. A great place to start is on the Video page under Resources up above. Watch the first video on the page, it’s a great 20-minute overview of what we are all about here. - Surviving

I am 10-years postmenopause. Like you, I have not been sexually active for a few years so I was totally unaware that I was developing a cystocele/rectocele. My first encounter with my cystocele was after I found the pink-tinged blood on my undies and toilet paper. I also began the great Google-fest which also ended in extreme fear. The day prior to my discovery I had been packing and lifting heavy boxes and had pushed my cystocele out, causing little tears in my dry postmeno vaginal tissues. The doctor told me to keep the tissue lubricated and put me on a course of Diflucan (I think that was what it was called). I know how scary unexpected bleeding postmeno can be. I would suggest that you go ahead and see your doctor to rule-out anything serious going on. Be sure to read the information Christine has written about the types of "celes" and uterine prolapse. This will enable you to approach your doctor visit on more solid ground as you will be better informed. In the meantime, go ahead and start adopting the WW posture and wander around the site. Stop reading all the scary sites, tell yourself you'll wait for the doctor visit, and breathe. Welcome, and a hug!

Thank you so much for your reply you have eased my heart and my fears...maybe the days I have ahead of me to wait to get into my dr will be to your questions I have no problems emptying I have no problems as all except for the pressure feeling in my vagina and I am extremely dry, I have not had any bleeding for a few days now so hoping that using the lubricant was what you described...thank you again so very much for your reply....hugs

Arizona thank you so much hun to for your reply...I do remember that I did some lifting moving my daughter....I haven't done much in the past few days and have had no spotting or bleeding but the more I walk the further down the bulge feels ....up until I have done the walking past couple days I barely felt it at all like I did but today its there and I feel it and its very uncomfortable..but bless you for replying I appreciate it so very much....hugs