Help please


Firstly sorry I only come for help but got a 19 month old and started a night course and just struggle with time, do keep looking at the site just not had much time to write. Obviously I have every prolapse going and have also had leep procedure on my cervix and I am now 7 weeks pregnant, I have started with constipation, what can you eat or naturally take while pregnant to help? Because of this I have had the dreaded pressure and my cervix had gone high but now it's come very low and I am worried as my cervix is already week, can I still do the first aid for prolapse DVD while pregnant? Obviously I am still having work on my posture and back to try and rectify the rounded shoulders and posture always on my mind but any suggestions welcomed as worried about carrying already.
Thanks for listening

Hi lifegoeson. Working on posture need not take any extra time out of your day. It's the way you stand and move as you go throughout your day. So it's more a matter of thinking about it, which shouldn't be hard to do when you are pregnant with prolapse. If you have time to do the workouts, do whatever feels right, but don't overdo it. There have been a million posts about constipation on this forum, so just use the search box for that. Fruits and veggies, probiotics, magnesium, exercise, walking, good bathroom posture...... many have posted here about what helps them. The uterus is going to move quite a bit during this pregnancy and you will have your good and bad days. Stay as healthy and stress-free as you can. Easier said than done. Good luck to you! - Surviving

To keep myself from being constipated, I make a fruit and veggie smoothie. 1 cup unsweetened almond milk(I don't do dairy anymore and almond milk has more calcium than milk), 2 cups frozen kale, or 2 cups fresh spinach (don't have spinach everyday for more than a week In a row due to oxalates), 1/2 banana, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries, 1 cup blueberries, some water. Blend in a high speed blender. It keeps me regular and I go to the bathroom sometimes 15 to 20 minutes after drinking this in the morning. No straining at all. You can change up the frozen fruit to fruit of your choice but berries are very good for you. Hope this helps.

Thank you very much for your comments, will try your tips and see how I go, pretty scared about having another little one with my issues but hopefully it won't make it a lot worse. I have such bad upper posture, rounded and humped back I do feel like I constantly have to think about my posture! Thanks again

Hi lifegoeson,
Yes it can be scary sometimes. I expect most of the women on this forum can relate to that feeling in some shape or form. Fortunately, there are lots we can do to improve our symptoms. Once we know what helps and what doesn't, we can gain control over our pop's and improve/recover..
Things to do/not do:
Stress - find ways of feeling as relaxed as poss within the circumstances. Get the bigger picture; don't sweat the small stuff.. Find things that give you happiness, even tiny things. Be mindful - as humans we're programmed to notice the bad more than the good, so make sure to appreciate all those good things. Do more of what makes you happy and less of what doesn't - within realistic limits of course!
Constipation - I find stewed fruit works a treat. 3 stewed fruits a day if necessary! Find what works for you.
Lean over to eliminate - 1/2 stand; keep weight on your feet and lean over. Thighs on loo seat if necessary.
Carrying heavy weights -avoid if poss. Otherwise carry things close to your chest and high. We're designed to carry things on our head and being pregnant.
WW posture - a must. Sitting, kneeling, walking... make it your default posture. If you're not sure how to do it - find out. (Look at greeneyedgirl's post re standing posture, website, book, dvd..)
Coughing/sneezing _ bend over at the waist and let rip.
Eat and drink well; organic if poss, healthy whole foods..

This is a lifetime's work and takes time, patience and practice...
Good luck. Best wishes, wholewomanuk