feeling really bad the past four days and really depressed


I have had burning and have been going to the bathroom every hour to two hours. Last night was horrible, up 5 times. Why is this happening now? I feel like I am in a black hole and want to stay there. The burning was pain was so bad last night I took myself to the local medexpress to see if I had a bladder infection. The test was negative but it showed I had blood in my urine. I was given an antibiotic i'm not sure what to do. Work is so busy now and life at home. I'm 47 I can't picture 35 more years of this craziness. I don't wish to go on this was really. I want to just be dead. I'm not sure to cope with this pain and the frequent trips to the bathroom. I feel like I am on fire and my bladder actually hurts a lot and is bulgy. I can't eat because I am so depressed right now. I don't know how to cope.

Hi Lindamore: I hear that you are extremely depressed but you need to find some way to see your options. I have interstitial cystitis, diagnosed when I was in my 20's ( I am 70 now): I used to pee every ten minutes and it was awful. I still pee way more than most people but I did learn to live with it and adjust to it and it did get somewhat better. I think you need to see a urologist to determine why you have blood in your urine and get some more testing as may be necessary. there are times when we need medical help. It is important to realize that you are in control of your own body and health and doing things to find out what is wrong and how to help correct the problem will help you feel in control. Good luck

If you have blood in your urine and testing negative for a UTI, I agree with ilovewings that you should get to a doctor who will know what to look for. ER staff are not the best equipped to deal with this type of thing, and approaching this as an emergency doesn't seem warranted at this stage and is just going to make you more stressed. I am concerned about your depression and wanting to be dead, I think this may indicate you are more overwhelmed than you are able to deal with alone, and urinary issues no matter how pronounced just can't account for your feeling this way. Please keep practicing the posture to the max of your ability, because maybe you are trapping some urine somewhere in transit......it's easy to assume you are emptying completely when you may not be. Thorough emptying, and trying to keep those organs in proper position (the purpose of the posture) can help you more than you might think. - Surviving

How is it diagnosed? I've always had very frequent urination and pain after I urinate like my bladder is irritated. I am so scared. I don't know how much more I can cope with. Are there treatments that work and are safe?

So sorry to hear about your rough night. I hope that you have been able to get a little bit of sleep. If you haven't done so already (I know you probably have though) type "interstitial cystitis" in the search box. There are many women on this site that are dealing with IC. I also did a Google search for IC and hit on a site called womenshealth.gov -- and read the article listed as "interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome fact sheet/womens health". The suggestions they list are very much in keeping with what I have read in the forum here and as in WW work as well: Bladder retraining, dietary changes, loose clothing, reducing stress -- stress can trigger flare-ups, pelvic exercises, low-impact stetching and walking. They also state that symptoms can be worse around period time. It appears to me that there is no cure for this, just management of symptoms. It can be diagnosed several different ways: sometimes just by symptoms, by a urine test, and more invasive measures where they scope the bladder.

I did find a few suggestions: take a warm bath, drink a glass of water mixed with one teaspoon of baking soda to reduce burning sensations, cold pack or hot pack to perineum (whichever feels better), drink additional water to keep urine diluted. Hope something helps and you get feeling better soon.

Thank you. It's not related to the prolapse is it? The past five days have been pretty bad. I completely changed my diet to a high nutrient diet and i wonder if the enormous amounts of oxolates in this diet are causing some of my symptoms. I'm just at my wits end. I feel like all I do is study and study and study and try new things in my diet to help myself. This diet was hleping completely with my constipation issues. I am loathe to change it but I know it must be agravating things. I hav a full-time job two sons a house to take care of i feel at my breaking point.

If you have just changed your diet radically and the urinary symptoms are much worse, the logical thing to do is to back off from the new diet for a bit and see if there is an improvement. If you conclude that there is a connection, you'll need to decide what to do, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. - Surviving

As to your question of a prolapse/IC connection, I really have no idea. You might have research that one a bit or maybe someone on the forum who has researched this can answer that. As to foods, I found the following listed as irritants: Alcohol, tomatoes, spices (sorry, they didn't specify which one's), chocolate, caffeinated and citrus drinks, high acid foods, and artificial sweetners. Some of the women on the forum keep food diaries and gradually introduce or remove foods from their diet in order to find foods/drinks that may be causing issues for them. Maybe a food diary is in order (I know...more studying, more work). Pace yourself, be kind to yourself, you'll get there.

And I would continue to practice posture diligently throughout your day. If the prolapse is aggravating this problem, you can't ignore the prolapse, and you wouldn't want to anyway. Stabilization of prolapse is an end unto itself and will add greatly to your quality of life and a reduced level of stress and anxiety, whether or not it has any effects on your other symptoms. All of this complicated dietary stuff does add to your stress and time constraints. Walking around in WW posture does not. - Surviving

I had such an isue with food addiction and with taking care of myself and the prolapse I finally got to where the new food plan, that i've been trying to gt on since believe it or not 2008 was just falling into place. If I recall, in 2008 i thought i had two yeast infections, becaue of the burning and pain in my vagina but both times that happened it was on the diet. I have a good memory for that. I just need some time and to lessen my anxiety big time. I really am scared that the prolapse will be so bad i'll ahve no quality fo life and never be able to enjoy my children grow up and life in general. I want so much to just stay in bed and that is really not like me for a long time. My two closest friends are not understandning me at all and keep encouraging me everyday to have the surgery. I told them once you go down that slippery slope there's no going back.

Hi Lindamore,

I've just had a chance to read through this thread. Please understand that these severe symptoms have developed for a reason and in order for things to improve you're going to have to do many things differently. You have been given a lot of positive advice and feedback and now I think it's time to go offline for a while and practice the work.

It's easy to get into an emotional tailspin, but it is hard to stay there and I think you need more help than we are able to provide. These forums are for general support, but they are not emergency hot-lines nor are they places for personal diaries. We can only do so much to help. We have told you that prolapse is not life-threatening, but only you can do the work of stabilizing and reversing your condition. You will not be able to understand our words until you do the work yourself.

When you have received proper medical attention and worked with the WW principles for several weeks, we would love to hear of your progress.

Wishing you well,


IT would be good to make sure your ph is not acidic,half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in half a glass of water ,will make you more alkaline ,eat plenty of green veg ,celery is good as well,drink plenty of water from a good source,hope you feel better soon,lilypink

Thank you everyone and I'm sorry for being so annoying. I am trying very hard to do ww. I am just really sick this week it has to get better.

It will, but you have to give it a bit of time. I had a thought yesterday, which is dangerous ;-) When you go see your doctor about your bladder issues ask them to do a hormone panel. It occurred to me that somewhere you said you have pretty bad PMS and in one of your above posts you say you are 47...well honey, my thought is you may be going into menopause. That shift is a several year process and can mess with your emotions big time. Add premeno to everything else you have going on...Wow! I would definitely check into that and be sure you let him know how depressed you have been. There are medications that can help with anxiety and depression, if even for the short term, long enough for you to get control of your emotions and other health issues. Best of luck honey!

We had discussed the idea of perimenopause in a previous thread, but I don't know what Linda is actively doing about it. Speaking from experience with this, the initial rush of hormones is devastating. I, myself, felt like I was going absolutely crazy! I even ended up in the emergency room with such extreme anxiety I didn't sleep for 2 days, they gave me alprazolam to calm me down.
I did eventually have the hormone screen, but it didn't show anything. From what I read, regular doctors screening usually doesn't. You have to have specialized testing for all this.
I even went to a therapist, and she said it was estrogen dominance, just like everything I read, and even thought I should have my uterus taken out, and go on HRT!
The only thing I took away from going to the clinic several times was a prescription of alprazolam to get me through the bad days.
I continued to read and read, this happened a year before I found my prolapse and whole woman(wish I had found ww sooner), and then things started to click for me; I had estrogen dominance and overactive adrenal glands. The combination really had me in extreme flight or fight mode that would hit any time of the month. There was no warning.
The best thing I did for myself was cut out the alcohol and caffeine, and anything that had extra estrogen in it. I did everything I could to distract myself from my crazy thoughts. It took me a year to get over the worst of it, and then I found ww, and after reading about many more holistic measures, the second year was even better. I am going into my third year of perimenopause, and I think my hormones have simmered down quite a bit.
This takes time and lots of conscious thought to get through, but it can be done.

AG, was this a saliva test? I known someone now who is going through this and she had to pay for this test herself because the doc wouldn't order it! - Surviving

Sorry :-) Apparently I missed the post where menopause was discussed with Linda. I too agree with using holistic measures if at all possible and went through menopause without HRT. I had a lot of activities that I was able to distract myself with and a portable fan that I could not live without. I guess my concern was not only for her but her sons and husband as well. There is a difference between a bad day and wanting to die and again, since we are communicating through this medium, is "wanting to die" being used figuratively or literally?! If literally, then it is time to seek professional help/guidance. I agree that she has been given lots of good advice from everyone and now "the ball is in her court". Linda, I wish you well...and I'm sorry for talking about you like you're not in the room. I mean no offense.

No, it was a blood test. The saliva test was the specialized one. And, I think most general doctors offices don't do the specialized testing.
I didn't go that route. It sounded expensive, and if I remember right, you have to then go on some kind of hormone therapy. They even wanted me to go on birth control! I rejected all of it, and went the more natural route, except for that darn alprazolam! I took it while I worked on getting into a better place.

I am not trying to slam Linda. Her anxiety is valid. But at some point you have to step up and do something, even seeing a therapist is a good idea. I just went the one time, but she validated that it was hormones, and not me going insane.
But I also don't think doctors have all the answers; there is a point where we have to do the work ourselves. I just hope Linda can find that place.
Wasn't trying to be snotty, I have a very high respect for you, Arizona, and all the ladies that come to this forum.
Having recently gone through this, my heart goes out to anyone else who does.

I think this is the discussion AG is referring to:


Thanks all. I have been to see an endocronoligist in August. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2009 and did ntohign about it. I have completely revamped my diet becaue that doctor told me I am estrogen dominant. In taking all meat,and dairy out of my diet I was hoping to shift those hormones naturally. I am not really into taking medications if need be. The drug to help me is an adrenal glad suppresant. That just doesn't seem at all natural to me. I've done my research hours and hours of research on food. Well more than hours more like years of research on how food effects hormones and mood. I'm really sorry I came on here and complained too much. I'm scared. I spent the last year going off antidepressants because they really weren't necessary for me and actually had adverse effects and cause me mroe anxiety it seemed. Once the high nutrient diet oh and I went gluten free because I had so much gas pain it was difficult to work at work after lunch. I am strong I just am scared that's all. I appreciate everyone's kind attention I really do. I am scared to get kicked off this board and I don't want to be. I am really doing my best. This is all new to me. I research things to the nth degree and I don't want to hear any BS. I want to know things are the real deal. Everything Christine Kent seems to make sense but it seems scary because it is not inline with what 99 percent of what the world thinks. BUt I'm here for a reason. I'm in mourning a bit for my old life. I've taken everything out of my diet that I thought could be offending my hormones and turns out my perfect diet is off the charts on oxolates so I need to redjust. I've got a lot going on at home too and work is crazy. I just felt so overwhelmed this week. Thank you all for your continued support. I am doing what I can do to stabilize my condition. I still hope in my wanting to research, that it's still OK to ask questions about things I am curious about. Like does this really work? I'm trying to do the best for myself and my family. Thank you all so much. I hope I can still come back here and talk.

Hey, you're one of my fave's! I told you that when I first came on this site. Am not looking for a fight! Your opinions matter to me and are valid. I know you were not slamming Linda...that did not cross my mind, and also don't think that is your nature. It's just that I knew someone long ago that used those three little words and no one heard, so I can be over-sensitive. My apologies AG, I did not mean to hurt anyone's feelings, most of all yours.

It was discussed on more than one thread: https://wholewoman.com/forum/node/5716
I don't want to rub this in here, because I do know how it feels to be in a whirl of hormones. In the end, we have to do this for ourselves.

I want to suggest going over to the Video page (under Resources tab) and watch the interview with Dr. Christine Horner. Her book is nominally about prevention of breast cancer but its total focus is on the natural regulation of hormones throughout a woman's life. The suggestions are simple and common-sense in many cases, and might not immediately resonate with someone who has been through a wringer of changes especially in the diet area. But it is worth studying as a way to get back to basics, taking a natural "less is more" approach to self-care. Linda, consider reading this in conjunction with the WW work (both postural and overall vulva-vaginal health), to make sure you are not overlooking some simple things that you could be doing to make yourself feel better. I have this book and I love it. - Surviving

I remember you saying in a thread how hard it is to communicate with the written word, Arizona. That is so true! We can't see each others facial expressions to know that we really do want what is best for each other.
Linda, I want you to know we are here for you too. But, I think Christine has really expressed above what this forum is really all about. We are just women supporting each other the best we can, but we are not professionals by any means. I really do wish you the best!

Wow....yes, Lindamore, we have been following your postings all over this forum, just trying to keep up, and there has been a lot of repetition and times when it seemed like you were posting the same questions over and over without giving a nod to the replies you got. Get to work now, my friend! - Surviving

Thanks Surviving! I went back and read through it. Linda, honey, it looks like you've been given lots of good info, it's now up to you. I'm going to bow out of this thread now. Time for a little ballet with Christine and after, a nice cup of Pumpkin Spice Rooibos. Oh, Surviving...you're one of my fave's too!

Ditto Arizona!!!

Mmmmm! Pumpkin spice!!!

I'll check out that video thank you.

I wanted to give a nod to your statement that it's scary to commit to something that 99 percent of the world is not inline with. What attracted me to this forum and the factors included in this WW concept were the reason and research demonstrated in Christine's first book. It wasn't hard for me to swallow, because I'm used to finding the truth in things that aren't inline with the rest of the world. If you need reassurance that this works, let me say that if reason and research count for anything....this should work. I have to also say that in my few years of experience attending to and not attending to WW advice what I've found is that you only get out as much as you put in....and that is in regard to reality and practice, not to simply how much you know.

I also want to give a nod to you on the realization that what we deal with is deeply emotional and psychological as well as physiological and behavioral. It is HARD to settle down and focus when fear is in control. I've been dealing with a personal crisis of fear and distrust for a few years and am beginning to find my way out of it. A lot of the communication that takes place on this forum's focal point has been helpful in relating one with the other and helping me find my way. It has become a matter of getting informed (you are), actually believing what you have the most evidence of as being true, and then acting on it....putting one foot in front of the other, moment by moment, day by day. It might mistakenly be called backsliding, but to me it is settling back to the essential elements and beginning there as often as it takes. It seems like a never ending cycle; but by sticking with what you KNOW and moving deliberately and mindfully forward, you will get established and habituate what works best for you. This is how I see the essence of Surviving60's constant reminder to hold onto posture. So hang in there. If it becomes (as it has to me) an embarrassment to question until you are dismissed, don't dismiss your questions to yourself. If you ask, even within yourself, you will receive your answers...one way or another.

Wishing you the best,


Thank you Bebe. Thank you so much. since starting the work my prolapse is worse, that's what I am very frightened about. I just want to be accepted and supported. I really want this to work for me. My heart is just hurting right now. Thank you fro reaching out to me. You can't know how much I appreciate your kind words.