Follow up from topic Scared


First off let me say I am sorry if my post sounds like rambling I am just beyond scared and stressed right now.....I had my Dr appointment yesterday to find out why I am spotting and what the bulge is in my vagina...the first time I went to this doctor she asked me the usual questions about my history and then when she asked about my gyno I said I didn't really have one and she told me she could do the pap test and what not so I said okay. Well when I went to her yesterday to follow up with the severe pain I have with the fibromyalgia I broke down and told her that a few months ago I noticed a bulge in my vagina but it wasn't bothering me didn't pose any problems in my everyday life and just figured it was something that came with after menopause and didn't think anything about it. But then as I posted about three four weeks ago I went to the bathroom and there was pink spotting. The first time I noticed it , it happened here and there and then stopped, but then few weeks ago it was on and off all week but mostly when I walked a lot and then it stopped for almost week and half....she kinda gets this look on her face and is like we need to get you set up asap for ultra sound vaginal scope and when I tried to talk to her to get reassured that maybe it could be something beside cancer she kinda says to me...yeah I know but we need to get this checked out and can it be serious Im not going to lie yes but maybe not and didn't seem to want to entertain any other idea...I began to cry because I am wore out. I don't eat or sleep much anymore I have a stress level of 1-10 mine is a 20. I reached a point in her office I thought I was going to have a nervous break down couldn't stop crying and they gave me a shot to calm me down.....I don't get why she didn't even want to examine me or check to see what the bulges may be all she did was lay me down push all over my stomach and asked if I hurt anywhere which I don't. ..But after the Dr appointment my Mom needed to do some shopping and I didn't have a choice but to take her sick and all and we did a lot of walking not to mention my stress level all night was so bad...this morning I go to the bathroom and the spotting is back.....does anyone know if you have ever had this if you have any kind of cervical or uterine cancer will the bleeding come and go like this and its not bleeding really its just spotting when I go to the bathroom and if you have prolapse can you feel more then one bulge? If you happen to have tumor or fibroids or anything like that can it make bulges in your vagina? Im sick and more scared now then I was...I can't get in to see anyone else for a while now and I keep thinking if I have something bad and can't get in to see anyone will it get worse by the time I do.....Can a gynecologist do a pap test and determine if you have cancer or just by an examine feel if you have a mass or not? I am sorry for all the questions I am just so sick right now I haven't slept at all or ate for two days.....thank you to anyone who reads this.

I understand your fear. I wish that you would go back to your original post and the lovely response that you got from Arizona. Her experience seems so close to yours and ought to give you some reassurance as you wait around to have further tests done. Best of luck to you. - Surviving

I will try to answer some of your questions, but I am not a doctor so remember that and this is what I understand: The gynecologist can feel fibroids or masses if they are large enough by palpating your abdomen. The PAP smears that I have had, have to be sent off to a laboratory so the doc has to wait for those results as well. The ultrasound can be vaginal or transvaginal, I have had both. The vaginal one is a little embarassing, but does not hurt and is usually performed by a woman technician. The ultrasound will enable them to look for masses and fibroids, as well as cysts and polyps. They will also be able to measure the thickness of your uterine wall and to check your ovaries. This is a very good test to have and gives a lot of information quickly. The ultasound can tell the difference between a fibroid, a cyst, or a mass, but cannot tell you if the mass is cancerous, that still has to be done with a biopsy. If you have not done the ultrasound yet, be sure you get it done. It is very scary now for you, I understand that, but know that the treatment for cervical and uterine treatment has a very good success rate.

Try to get some sleep, eat...even if it is just automatic, stay off the scary now you have probably read many of them and it will just keep you in extreme panic. Your going to be afraid and worried and that is normal. Now is the time to gather girlfriends for support. If you need to read, try popping over to the Hystersisters site...this is an excellent site and is for women who have hysterectomies for whatever reason and some due to cancer.

Take care of yourself while you are waiting for your test results. Know that it may not be cancer at all, but take this time to ready yourself for that diagnosis should it come and meet it head-on. Big hug for you Flxwg.

Thank you all for your support I am trying so hard to be strong....but due to the personal issues in my life sometimes it over shadows everything and then it all comes crashing down. thanks all love and hugs

With all due respect I don't feel that a hysterectomy website is the place to be right now, when we are in all likelihood dealing with just prolapse, some irritated dry post-meno tissues and a very frightened woman whose doctor knows how to scare. Let's cross that bridge when we come to it!! - Surviving

Know this, I tried to stay strong as well but would find myself tearing up constantly and would go hide in the bathroom to cry so as not to worry everyone else. The reaction to the word cancer strikes fear in everyone. I don't think there is another word in our English language that has more power over our emotions than that one. There is no way possible to not be afraid. This is one of those situations where we have to reach deep into ourselves just to function normally while in a whirlwind of emotions. As to personal issues, this is where you hold up your hand and say "Excuse me, but this is about me now..."

I mean no offense Surviving. When confronted with a possible cancer diagnosis it is a common reaction to read everything. I did go to the Hystersisters site when I was spotting and it gave me a bit of reassurance should it come down to that. Premature to discuss the possibility of a hysterectomy...perhaps. Each woman must decide for herself how much information she wants to process at this time. I wanted to know everything.

I have been thinking a lot about this thread since yesterday, and realized that I have not yet said all I have to say. Now I will finish, in hopes I don't offend anyone.

Flxwg, you have a prolapse. This is virtually self-evident by your own detailed descriptions of how it moves around, advancing after you have been straining, and retreating when you have been lying down. Every woman here can vouch for that dynamic from her personal experience.

You also have an occasional tinge of pink on your toilet paper. Even good old Dr. Oz himself says that this is common due to drying and thinning of vaginal tissues post-menopause. I would imagine that when you factor in some 'celes that are on the move, well, that's a great recipe for pink on the toilet paper. Your own posts indicate your tissues are dry and that this is happening after you have been more active.

Despite the rather typical symptoms you describe, you fear that you have cancer. No one here can tell you that you do not. No one can know, and at this point it is clear that you must proceed and finish what you started with the doctor. You are upset and you will only listen to the doctor now, which is understandable. You are not in a very good state of mind for making well-informed decisions about diagnostic and treatment procedures, but I hope that you are feeling less distraught the next time you go.

What bothers me the most is the suggestion given to you by one of our members, that you should be researching and mentally preparing yourself for the loss of your uterus! When cooler heads are not prevailing, such a thing can easily become a self-fulfilling prophecy, as can be seen by the overwhelmingly huge percentage of hysterectomies that are medically completely unwarranted. And since the subject has been raised on this thread, I would urge you to get ALL the info on hysterectomy. Start with Christine's interview with Nora Coffey on the Resources page, then proceed to the HERS website and/or Nora's book. - Surviving

having just had a total hysterectomy I feel I can comment here with some personal experience. I feel every woman who has any female anatomy issues should be very versed in all that has to do with a hysterectomy. As we all know, one it's done it's done. There are valid reasons for having the procedure and then there are many many many that are not. But, knowledge is power. And power over our physical and mental health is advised. When new situations come up for us that challenge our physical or mental beings we are not always at our best to be rational, which then takes away our power. So....until there is a conformation of diagnosis (be it cancer or atrophy or prolapse etc...) it is best not to speculate. Get the tests done. Then you will be able to make an informed decision, or at least gather more information to come to a decision of how to handle the diagnosis. Until then, your mind has the opportunity to be like a squirrel running across a field driving you nuts. Go read something fun and healthy, not horror stories of female issues---which hopefully you will never know! Or try working out...getting those good endorphins circulating. Do you already eat healthy? If not, look into better eating....that can be very time consuming and will benefit whatever ails you...and should be incorporated into all of our lives. In other words, live in the today. If there is need for worry, you will have time then right? Worry is such an ugly useless time waster. And think positive....really, statistically speaking---this is most likely not cancer, but just another hoop to jump through. Hugs....

My Dr appointment is today with gyno....I am hoping that she talks to me more then my regular Dr did. I am so surprised being a woman herself she didn't talk to me more about what could be going on. I loved reading all your posts back to me and they have eased my mind somewhat but still with all that has gone on in my life in the past few years I can't remember a day my life has not been filled with some kind of stress every single day especially these past few months have been more then I can take at times so kind of hard to regroup and deal with this without it. I just wish I had kept track of when I started the spotting I know its not been more then a couple months and most of the time its always after I have sat or walked or stood for long periods so I am hoping that means it is from the prolapse.....I have read you all talking about celes...what is this? Well sweet angels I will let you know what I am told later on today...thank you all for your means a lot to me...hugs

'Celes means cystocele and rectocele basically. I was hoping you were going to do more prolapse research on this site before heading back out to the doctor. - Surviving

Hun I have been all over the site, I have been reading a lot so to be prepared when I do go to the Dr as to my options...I was trying to read to see if I can figure out what kind of prolapse I may have but its hard to tell...all I know is when standing and putting my finger inside to see and push the bulge up it goes up in behind my cervix......when I stand today the bulge is more noticeable because of all this coughing...I try really hard to be aware of the way I am standing or sitting when I cough....just weird when I sit I can't feel the bulge or lay down it completely disappears and just feels like a bunch of wrinkled skin inside. This site has been a God send though and I can't wait till I have saved enough money to buy one of the books or Dvds to help me out if I find out today that prolapse is actually what I have. To date I have no issues with bowels or bladder everything is coming out normal....when I cough or sneeze I don't have any accidents. I guess if not for the spotting I wouldn't be concerned much at all because pretty much outside of feeling the bulge more by the end of the day that didn't scare me. I just know that I don't want to be operated on if at all possible and I just want to go to my Dr prepared for other options.

Well she did a pap test, checked for the prolapse and she said I had a mild bladder , bowel prolapse and told me to do exercises for that and that it wasn't bad just to be careful of the lifting and things. While she had her fingers examining me she pushed around all over on my stomach asked if I had any pain and I didn't. She also did a rectum exam and said that all felt fine there just very weak muscles.....then she says but the postmenopausal bleeding was a cause for concern due to the fact my uterus felt slightly enlarged.....has anyone had vaginal spotting and been told they have an slightly enlarged uterus? Is this a scare for cancer? I can't get in for testing for week and half..sorry for all the questions but thank you for reading.

About 10 years ago I developed vaginal bleeding. Because I have a large fibroid uterus I am followed by a GYN fairly closely. This GYN did not do a hands-on exam; he just ordered a transvaginal ultrasound which was stable, meaning my fibroids had not grown and everything was ok. In the meantime I questioned the fact that he did not do an internal exam and I talked to a friend of mine who had vag bleeding and it turned out she had a polyp. Anyway, I made another appointment and insisted he do an internal exam and what do you know, he discovered a small polyp which was causing the bleeding. By the way, I never went back to him. In any event, my point is that vaginal bleeding, while a concern, is not always a symptom of cancer. Good luck to you.

I hear your fears about cancer it is a scary subject. I am a proponent of supplements since the 60's, when I was able to help a bi-polar son recover when Drs. couldn't. (I have also been dealing with the rectal prolapse since '66) There is much info on selenium helping prevent cancer on PubMed, and on You tube with Dr. Schnauzer. I trust a Natruopatic Dr. much more than MD's. We need to feed the body all the essential mineral & vitamins for it to heal.

My ultra sounds abdominal and trans vaginal came back showing I have a small fibroid and slight thickness in uterine lining. My pap test was negative.....the Dr I guess did not seem concerned about the vaginal bleeding because she said she would see me at my Appt on Dec 5th after I called her about my test results. She is a very respected Dr and everyone says she is really good but I still have the vaginal spotting and just curious if anyone here had negative results after test and still have the spotting...mine has never been bleeding its just slight spotting and I see it only after going to the bathroom....After I went to her I had no spotting for almost two weeks then I had some but it was just couple times that day when I went to the bathroom then nothing again till today and there was some when I first got up this morning now nothing again. I know I have read prolapse can cause spotting but its just weird I notice that when I have been on my feet for long periods I have spotting or like last night my daughter came here and she had me so stressed out by the time she left and poof this morning I have spotting when I have not had once again for little over week. Would love to hear anyone else with experience with spotting with negative test results.