Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


Hi All,

I wish for each and every one of you (even though I know this is a USA holiday) a day of warmth and delight. I'm having a little Thanksgiving open house at the WWCenter and have been a busy bee getting everything ready for that. I've given Lanny a long list too ;) He is the one who puts up my blog posts, since it's a bit complicated on the Wordpress site. I've been promising it for weeks and he has been so busy doing 10,000 other things to get our hips program off the ground.

Lots of love to everyone and if you're in the neighborhood tomorrow (28th) please drop by and say hello!


Happy Thanksgiving to you Christine and all in your WW family!
For ever thankful to you!

To all of my friends old and new on this Forum, and to Christine and family, I wish a very happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful for all of you and for the support that we can lend to each other on this journey. - Surviving

Thank you Christine,
I hope you and everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving had a good day.

Coming from the UK it rather passed me by. So wishing everyone a good day today and every day. Giving thanks seems such a good thing to do. It's so easy to overlook the good things in life because they're unproblematic. Evolutionarily as humans we are programmed to notice and remember the bad more than the good. This has obvious survival advantages! For this reason we actually need to consciously pay a little more attention to noticing the good, pausing to take it in and give thanks for what/who's good in our lives. This includes small things, especially since the bulk of our lives is made up of the small things.

Thanksgiving sounds a wonderful idea and day. I think I might try and make everyday a Thanksgiving Day!

So - thank you Christine, Lanny, Nikelle and the WW team, the WW practitioners, the WW forum and all the women and men involved in developing this amazing life changing, world changing work!

With love, wholewoamnukx