Scrape/ pain


I am pretty new to this. Have had a cystocele for 15 years, it has only started being a constant bother in the last year. I am working a second job that requires constant weight lifting. So, initially thought I would look into surgery but the info I've found here has helped me decide against that. My problem is that I have to push my bulge in regularly. And I recently gouged myself with a fingernail in the process. So now I feel raw and scraped and I would love to know if there is something topical I could use to help this? It feels pretty uncomfortable and I have to go work a lot.
I really appreciate anyone who has some wisdom on this.

Hi Beth,
I have read that coconut oil is a good lubricant to use for Pop, and it is suppose to have a healing effect as well. I know the ladies use a lot of different remedies; if you type lubricants in the search box, you will find many posts on this.
I am worried about your heavy lifting. I did that for many years, and ended up with stage 3 uterine prolapse. If it is something you can't avoid right now, please try to stay in strong whole woman posture.
Also, do some jiggling and firebreathing to help get your organs back up in there.

Is jiggling in the book?
On the forum. I do expect to be lifting for a while

Jiggling was a creation of one of our ladies on the forum. Some like to just bend over touching a chair while others like to bend completely over in a kind of down dog position. Either way, you bend over and jiggle and bounce for a short bit, and I like to follow up with a good sesson of firebreathing to help suck the organs back in there again. It doesn't seem like much help at first, like everything just comes back down, but if you keep it up, it does help. And, then stand into strong whole woman posture again. If you type jiggling in the search box, you will find a lot of posts on it.

Hi Beth and welcome. I too am concerned about where this heavy lifting is going. I wouldn't waste another day learning about and adopting correct posture. If you have not already, read all around this forum, website and blog as much as you can. Go over to the Resources tab and look for the video page; the first link on that page will take you to a 20-minute overview of Christine's work called "The Whole Woman Approach".

Those women here with uterine prolapse have various ways of pushing the uterus up and forward so that the benefits of the WW postural work can be maximized. But if what you have are 'celes (which actually help support the uterus) then I will tell you from my personal experience that pushing them around doesn't seem to be worth the effort. Over time, the posture work in conjunction with other lifestyle adjustments (and great care to lift and carry properly) will stabilize the organs. Get started, post your questions here. - Surviving

Good point, surviving. I am always looking at things from a uterine stand point, and it is good to know what does and doesn't help the other celes as much.
What does help them all the most is, as you say, strong postural work. I am amazed at how much stronger I am now than a year ago, or even a few months ago! It's a continuous ongoing process!