Breast feeding positions to support ww posture


Hello, I have just had my fourth baby (3 weeks ago) and have since had a partial uterine prolapse. I have been told to have more bed rest but this doesn't seem to fit with ww posture.

My question is what positions should I use to breastfeed bub that support ww posture and is there a way I can lie in bed that supports ww posture. After one day of the ww exercises I feel much relief all ready - the feeling everything is going to fallout has gone and I feel much more comfortable.

Another question is where can I find a copy of the book and DVD in Australia?

Thanks for your help.

for resting in bed pp, I liked laying on my stomach and sidelying.
for bf, sidelying was good too, and sitting crosslegged with pillows where needed for support (behind my back, under baby, under my thighs)

Thanks granola mum. Side lying is def more comfortable and there are no heavy feelings after side lying. Little one has just mastered feeding lying down with me so that is great too. I feel like my bed and couch are too soft for me to sit and keep my posture correct though.

Also, after starting the ww posture did you get some muscle soreness/tightness?

Cheers, lifeisgood

oh yes, lots of soreness in the beginning. especially if you're pp. your muscles are all overstretched or tight from the postural changes due to pg, along with ligament laxity. it will take some time to get back to 'normal' and that's without learning a new posture at the same time!
anyway, when I started with the WW posture I felt it most in my upper back. I couldnt stay in posture for more than 10 min at a time, it was that painful. I used to set an alarm to ring every hr on the hr and I would pull up into posture and try to keep it for 10 min and then go back to my usual slump. slowly, I built up to 15 min and 20, and eventually the pain and soreness disappeared and I was in posture most of the time.
I did this after my later pg's as well, even though I was familiar with the WW posture, I couldnt maintain it throught the pg's, so I had to relearn it afterwards. It was much quicker because it wasnt new to me, but it did take some time.
I dont think there's tremendous value to pushing yourself too far or too fast, you have plenty of time to learn it and get used to it.

and I think you are correct, most beds/sofa's are too soft to comfortably sit and keep posture. maybe sit on the floor? you can sit on a pillow or folded up quilt if its too hard. this sounds kinda silly but the most coveted spot in my house these days is our dog's bed. I found myself thinking that I wish I had one when I was spending so much time sitting on the floor with my little ones. its soft, but not too soft for sitting cross legged in posture. and its cozy :)

Hi g-mom, love the dog bed thing! Do your kiddies like to hang out there?

we actually got a dog bed before we got a dog! my ds was begging for one, he just thought it would be the coziest thing in the world, so I got him one for his birthday a year ago. and you know how it is, once one kid has one....
so before we knew it we had a whole bunch of dog beds strategically placed for cozy reading or cuddling.
we got a dog a few months ago and now the poor dog is always finding a kid (or two) in his bed. he doesnt seem to mind sitting on the kids so its all good : )

Was getting discouraged, thinking I must be doing it wrong. So pleased to hear the muscle soreness etc is normal. Really that makes sense that it would. I find it very tiring to maintain posture but so rewarding. I have a kneeling chair at my computer desk and I have discovered it is far more comfortable than the couch and great for staying in posture.

Thanks for your answers and help.

I love those chairs, one of these days maybe I'll get myself one! They do look perfect for the WW work. - Surviving

Mine was a bargain off eBay, surviving, otherwise they are super expensive.