Save Your Hips, makes so much sense!


Reading the Save Your Hips book now and started the excercises. I am 57 and very active. Told I had "bursitis" about one year ago by a "physician" who wanted to give me an injection in my hip area..... I said absolutely not. He folded his arms and said, "well I thought I was going to be able to help you today".... I was so angry with his response! What a condescending response... It was shocking to me. I have been trying to manage my hip pain with stretching, strengthening and icing. But seemed to be getting a little worse with pain not only in the hip area but up the front of the hip too. I have done the exercise routine 3 days now and am getting relief already. I am an RN and anthropologist too!! The book is clinical but necessary to explain the deplorable state of medical care for women in this country. Especially those who don't go along with mainstream ideas of the medical community. Thank-you Christine!! You are an inspiration and a blessing to me!

Yes, isn't it wonderful! Christine's work has saved my hips, as well as helped me manage a significant prolapse. I also have always had problems with my hips, going to the chiro, and doing everything you described too. Ever since I started doing the whole woman posture and exercise, my hip pain has been greatly alleviated. And now the hips book just adds to the wonderful mix of improvement for us all!!

Hi LT!

Thanks so much for your lovely short-term testimonial. I'm so glad you are seeing relief, but from my experience thus far, treating very common anterior hip pain is a long process. These chronic conditions don't fit the 'broken and fixed' ("let's just give you a little shot into your joint") model, but really are about making deeper, life-long changes.

Keep up the good work!

:) Christine