
I thought this wee poem was very inspirational and the ladies of the forum might like it. it's very good advice, I did not write it.


Dust if you must,
But wouldn’t it be better,
To paint a picture, or write a letter,
Bake a cake, or plant a seed?
Ponder the difference between want and need.

Dust if you must.
But there is not much time
With rivers to swim and mountains to climb!
Music to hear, and books to read,
Friends to cherish and life to lead.

Dust if you must.
But the world’s out there
With the sun in your eyes,
the wind in your hair,
A flutter of snow, a shower of rain.
This day will not come round again.

Dust if you must.
But bear in mind,
Old age will come and it’s not kind.
And when you go, and go you must,
You, yourself, will make more dust.
- – - written by Mrs. Rose Milligan of England.

Thanks WHM - I certainly don't dust much, so now I feel a whole lot better! - Surviving

Such a lovely poem! I remember in my younger years when I had small children running around and felt overwhelmed with perfection, I asked a neighbor friend who was a little older than I how to do it all! She told me it was more important to her to enjoy her time with her children than keeping a perfectly clean house. I learned to relax more after that and took her advice to heart.
Recently hubby and I took a cross country road trip from Wisconsin to Arizona. First time for both of us. We didn't know the wonders we missed out on all these years. Dust can certainly wait!
Thanks so much for this poem!

hehe surviving I don't dust much either. too many more interesting things to do.
A.G. that was good advice you got. must have been lovely that trip you and hubby went on. I've always went on holiday to Greece, Cyprus, Canary Islands and hot places, but only last year we travelled in my country Ireland, couldn't believe the breathtaking scenery that was right under our noses all this time.

I Love this!!

Dear willhealmyself,
Thankyou for the poem. Smile...
I have to go from doing hardly any dusting to doing a bit more & vacuuming, still as little as possible... I now have a brand new vacuum cleaner which is effective for the effort!! - will put the piano CD on from Saving the Whole Woman book & vacuum in WWP!!
I have done the hips DVD first & now lunch... snooze? then music... & Mrs Doubtfire around the house!!
Still smiling...
Best wishes,
Aussie Soul Sister

Hi, well I did another WW DVD instead of vacuuming or a snooze!!
Much more fun,
Smiling more,
Aussie Soul Sister

Hi Aussie Soul Sister, thats much more fun, I am throwing my vaccum cleaner out as it is much too heavy to carry about, mind you it doesn't get used much anyway. Also I've always found when I dusted that the dust just settled again soon after, so I rarely dust except when the sun shines on it I don't notice it. Keep having fun. WHM,

I'm with you girls! No one needs to tell me not to dust..... - Surviving

Reading this poem brought back fond memories of my mother. When she would see dust bunnies under the table she would say, "Someone is either coming or going". It also makes me sad to think about the health problems that my mother had. From what I have read so far on this forum, many of you want to stop the cycle of women not knowing that they have POP, and also how to prevent and treat it. When my mother was 73 she got the double whammy of having a hip replacement and developing irreversible pelvic organ issues. For years when the subject would come up with my other family members about what happened to my mother after her hip replacement surgery, I was always told that some patients develop neurogenic bladder. Last summer I thought I was being proactive by going to a urologist, but from everything she told me, I know that surgery would have been the wrong road. I just want to make my hips and thighs as strong as possible so that I don't have to go down the same road as my mother.

Yes my mother had diverticulitis and I felt hopeless as sometimes we cannot do anything but take antibiotics. I didn't know if she had prolapse problems as women didn't talk about feminine problems when she was alive . She passed three years ago from a cerebral haemorrhage. I would hate to have hip replacement surgery too so I exercise as much as possible and eat a diet with plenty of fibre.

Hi Cleo - in some of your recent posts, you have described your bowel problems. Have you considered cutting back on the fibre? For some of us, lots of fibre just makes things worse. And I don't think fibre is going to keep your hips healthy. The best thing you can do there, is to be diligent about WW posture. This is what seats the torso correctly over the hip joints, and gravity does the rest. - Surviving