

I'm not sure if this is in the right place. I suffer from Interstitial Cystitis. I have been bed ridden mostly for the last two years and a half years (apart from a five month remission). Haven't had sex in all this time. I have recently developed burning in my vagina and just outside, as a response to the urine which burns and a feeling of fullness. It is not sure whether this is IC or Vulvodyna or something else. When I try to bear down when I open my bowel, it feels like everything is falling out. I went to the GP and she said I have weakness in both the sides of the vagina wall. She didn't say rectocele or cystocele, but I think that is what she meant. She just told me to do kegels but I insisted on being referred for physio. I have been doing Amy Steins exercises (hadn't found this site yet) and some of the burning has gone down. However it is my period and I was a little constipated yesterday. I looked in the mirror and when I bear down it is worse than ever. (I discovered this problem during my period last month) is it worse at this time?

I can't take supplements as they hurt my bladder. I have anaemia too (ferritin 2) . The IC is bad enough but to be honest I feel I can't take anymore and the thought of new pain is too much. I am petrified I am doing the wrong exercises too, though I thought Amy Stein ok as she does no tightening stuff. I live in England so not sure if your dvd's will work here. Am i destined for it to decline? I feel no hope and suicidal, as I have been in pain for two and a half years.

ps. I am 43, is this a normal part of life, is everyone 'sagging' down there? Am I worrying unnecessarily? I can't sleep for worry.

ps one of the exercises is lying on my back and bringing legs up like a frog and holding pose stretching for 30 seconds, is this ok?

This is a duplicate of a post under Pelvic Health. And I don't see any harm in lying on your back and bringing your legs up like a frog. - Surviving