

So normally when I do my firebreathing, and then go on to do nauli, I can really feel it just 'suck' right up. But in the last few days, it doesn't really have to move so far when I lock in the vacuum! Pretty exciting for me, as it has been staying up for quite a long while! Wooo Hooo! I know I am PP but still this is POP is very pliable, but this is a wonderful feeling that all this firebreathing and nauli has 'kicked in'!!

This is great news, Agnusdei. Can you give us a time frame of your progress?

Because of my surgery, I will *never* (hate to say the word, but it is probably true) have a totally anteverted uterus. But each and every day - except when I'm working too hard on something like sewing projects, or begin very lazy - I love the feeling of WW posture pulling my cervix forward. It really is the only reasonable thing to do, and so satisfying to be the best we can be - even if that is far from how we used to be or how we wish we were.

Thanks so much for letting us know!

:-) Christine

Congrats Agnusdei and thanks for posting! We can't have too many reminders that patience and persistence can pay off in the end. - Surviving

Dear agnusdei,
Great to hear of your progress!! After 22mths of Whole Woman,
I am experiencing the reality of so many benefits unfolding as time goes on.
Best Wishes,
Aussie Soul Sister

Yes, exciting! I have been doing the posture since I found my POP at the end of the year 2012, but nauli and firebreathing since 12 weeks PP. Thanks again! I may not write often, but I really love to read all the info!!!

Thanks agnusdei,
Great to hear your positive experience. It's so helpful for women to hear - especially during the difficult times! xwholewomanuk