

Hi Everyone;
I was diagnosed with stage 3 cystocele about 2 years ago which of course I found terrifying until I found this site ! I have been able to manage it quite well with the posture fire breathing and a tampon. I have had problems with constipation for many years. I have improved this with eating fresh vegs and fruit and drinking more water. However I still have difficulty. I recently found a product that has been most helpful for me and thought others may benefit from

Sorry this note is in 2 parts as I had to leave in the middle of writing it. I had tried Magnesium Citrate but found it too strong. Currently I am using "Ultra Fibre" a balanced high fibre supplement with physillium and prunes. The dosage recommended is 3 tablets with a full glass of water before or with meals however fearing this would be too much I use one tablet with a glass of water before breakfast and lunch and a glass of water between meals as well as at bedtime. I have cut down on caffeine as well now only 2 cups daily but I do drink other decaffinated drinks as well. This regime is working well for me. I also go to aquavit 3 Xs weekly. I am 70 yrs and in good health otherwise. Hope this is helpful to some of you....Marg

Energeticmarg- Glad that you have a routine that works. If you need to try Magnesium Citrate again just adjust the # of capsules. Enjoy, Mary Jean

Agree with MJH about this - We have many members who have had great luck with magnesium citrate and if it works for you, simply adjust the dosage. The cycle of extra fibre/extra water might bulk up the stool but isn't necessarily the best long-term solution for your lower tract. - Surviving

Dear energeticmarg,
I have found magnesium supplements helpful also, for elimination of BMs.
I have started using Christine's exercise DVDs regularly & find they help like the last piece of the puzzle so to speak, along with all the other wonderful benefits with balance, strength, & hip health just to name a few!!
Best wishes,
Aussie Soul Sister