Crying right now . . . think I just got rectocele


I was just eliminating and I felt a funny sensation and when I wiped I had stool from my vagina. I am very upset. I believe I just did this to myself, because I was reading a book that says how to eliminate the bowel completely and it said to sit on the bowl and put your hands in the air but to raise your knees a bit so that you are more in a natural squatting position. I did this for about 4 days. I was only raising my knees high enough where my toes were still touching the floor. I feel so stupid for doing this. I have Christine's book, Saving the Whole Woman, because I have uterine prolapse. My uterus has never "popped." I read a little about rectocele before coming on here. Is it all about the posture that will allow the rectum to go back into position? Is it the fire breathing? I have read about the fire breathing, but I have never done it. The next time I eliminate, will it come out of my vagina? What can I do to make sure that it doesn't? Thank you.

Hi LLL – You would not have stool in the vagina unless you had something called a fistula, which I suspect is not the case here….probably just the way that you wiped. A rectocele is just a bulge in the back vaginal wall where the rectum is pressing in. The pooping position you describe is probably not the immediate cause (unless you were straining quite hard for those 4 days). Still, you need to protect lumbar curvature while pooping, a posture principle I’m sure you are already well aware of. Constant attention to WW posture is the key to managing all the prolapses. It does become second nature eventually, and if you are not there yet, you will be if you persist. Jiggling and firebreathing are some tools you should use daily. - Surviving

I am almost positive there was stool in my vagina. I can't even believe I am typing these words. I never force when I eliminate. I made sure that I wiped until there was nothing left in the vagina, and then I revisited it a few minutes later and there was more. I started to make sure I was sitting and standing correctly and I haven't had this issue for the rest of the morning and I eliminated stool 2 more times, but something doesn't feel 100% the same. What is a fistula?

You can Google this or look for posts on the forum. It is not something that you would do to yourself by sitting in a bad position on the toilet. If you're worried, you can always see a doc to rule it out. - Surviving