Which forum deals with women with total bladder prolapse with or w/out pessary


Hi, I am sorry for not having a specific question.. I am just looking through archives and not isolating adequately to get info on women who have opted to either settle for using a pessary to support a complete bladder prolapse (procidencia) or have settled for simply using no support and adapting to living with a bulge and not having success with keeping the bladder up on the pelvic bone. I bought 2 bundles and they both have been misplaced ....I can't refer to the book until I fly up to visit my Mom (78) this week and find it..... She isn't able to concentrate on keeping the pose...

Hi chickenfeet,
I looked up procidencia, and am finding that is a Spanish term? The closest definition I could find was severe uterine prolapse. Is procidencia Spanish for prolapse? Little confused by your usage of the word.
Anyway, there has been much discussion on pessaries on the forum. Some pro and some con. It is understandable that you can't get your mother with dementia to completely understand or even remember prolapse management. Of course you can try to see if she will tolerate wearing a pessary, but there can be problems with that too if you have done the reading on here. Some women have used estrogen creams so their vaginas can tolerate wearing the pessary and then end up having bleeding from using the cream. Some women get sore spots in their vaginas from wearing the pessaries, and some are just fine with them for awhile. It is really hard to say how your mother will be able to tolerate wearing one, but if you are both determined to try it, then that is up to you.
I feel bad for your mom, and I think as I always have in this situation, keeping her clean and well lubricated is probably the best your going to be able to do for her. Anything else is stretching it, in my opinion.

She has had the pessary placed in 2008 and then moved to NY. She lubricated it and all was fine. But as her brain began to experience some forgetfulness,,,, she began to experience those things you mention as a result of irritation. Then we remove it for a break, and then put it back every now and then.....The final draw was the flood and not being able to get it placed back in again and then having to relocate. She got a UTI that almost killed her from not having the pessary in place and not drinking enough fluids because she drank very little because she did not want to pee herself. But the prolapse makes it hard to hold her urine. If I put the pessary back, it would be for that reason... But I have to really set up a way to make sure she is lubricating both ways. With pessary and without. The term procidencia simply means complete prolapse of any organ I think. Not just uterus.