

New to this and feeling very stupid.
I was fitted for a donut pessary but without much instruction, sent home to do myself.
I inserted it but never was able to get it in the right position. So I just wore it, with it pushed straight in. By the end of the day I was hurting terribly inside. Did this for two days then just took it out.
I haven't had to courage to try again because I actually still hurt.
Any help for the lame?

Hi Very confused.....If you want to continue with this pessary, you should go back to the doctor and insist on proper training. Be aware that pessaries do not always work as intended for everyone. They are tricky to fit, even when you have a kind and helpful doc (which yours does not seem to be).

A device of this type, even when properly inserted, tends to hold the vagina open, which will worsen things in the long run. Whole Woman self-management of prolapse teaches you how to carry yourself so that the organs can move forward into the relaxed lower belly, and help the vagina remain as a closed, airless space. Pessaries only mask the symptoms but can worsen prolapse in the long run. Most of our active members who have used them, have weaned themselves off.

There are other ways for you to manage the bulge. Go to the Resources tab above, look for Whole Woman videos, and watch the first video on the page. It's an overview of what we do here. I came here almost 4 years ago and continue to thank my lucky stars each day. - Surviving

Hi i am new to this forum and desperate for some information about my prolapse. I gave birth a year ago and now over a year i dont know what to do. my doctor said i have bladder and rectocele prolapse that is at first stage. But! My life is not even close as it use to be: i can't walk without feeling pain like pulling down there, having difficulty doing some simple house work. Sex doesnt even exist. i am constantly refusing any contact with my husband cause i feel awful about my vagina. i dont have urinary incontinence luckily. but my bowel movement is difficult as well. i have 7 kilos extra still after one year. since i have always been running, doing aerobics, pilates, yoga... now i cant do any of these because of that pain of prolapse and i cant loose my extra kilos. PLEASE HELP and let me know what book i can buy and which DVD is suitable for me. of course my doctors ( i have seen two of them) reffere me to surgery, but i know that it is not my solution.

Thank you. I will watch the video.
I'm not crazy about the pessary, but I am a hair stylist and am on my feet a lot. I can't stand the feeling and pulling of the bulge when standing. So was looking for something to help keep bladder up when in my feet.
Thanks for your help

This is a duplicate post.

I'm not actually passing gas but there is pressure and odor coming from my bottom. it happens when I begin eating or when I get stressed. It's extremely embarrassing when it occurs, the spasms are like pop rocks exploding in me. LOL I don't know how else to describe it. It smells worse than passing gas. Either way it is very offending to others. I feel like my family is dealing with this and not saying anything so I won't be hurt. What can I do? Even with #1 it starts gushing out of me when I get excited. Is it stress incontinence. it's extremely hard on me. I can't socialize and if I do I'm constantly worrying about offending HELP!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!

Have you had any recent dietary changes? Most of the time, gas is related to what we eat, and depending on what that is, some foods can cause extreme bloating and sometimes painful gasiness.
If it is not diet related and coming on suddenly, you may want to seek out a physician to make sure you don't have any underlying problems.