

I have bladder prolapse. I regularly see a chiropractor for back and neck issues. I have been afraid to go since the prolapse happened, but am in need of. Does anyone have any idea if it is ok to do so?

I can't say, maybe an experienced member who has gone (or is going) to a chiropractor can help with this one. In my understanding (and from some posts on the forum that I haven't been able to locate), I believe that there are some chiropractors who hold a pretty similar and correct view of the importance of the lower lumbar curvature, particularly in women, whose curvature is more pronounced. You are new here and so have probably not picked up yet on how critical this lumbar curvature is to female pelvic organ support. Restoring this lost lumbar curvature is what our work here is all about. If your chiro. is one who believes you should pull your stomach in, tuck your butt, and flatten out that lower lumbar curvature, I would say to head for the hills! But if he or she is smart enough to recognize that humans are supposed to have this curvature, then you are probably OK. - Surviving

Ah, Very Confused, I could write a book about back and neck issues. I have never been in a auto accident, or any accident for that matter, so why did I end up with so many back issues? I started going to a chiropractor when I was 22 years old, but I had neck issues long before that. I mention that first chiropractor because I look at his intervention as "smoke and mirrors". I started going again to the chiropractor again around age 40, even though I had had a lot of neck pain for years and years. During that time I also went to a rheumatologist. Around age 45 I started with a new chiropractor. I swallowed what he told me hook, line, and sinker, even though, upon reflection, I had a very serious issue going on with my foot that no chiropractor would have been able to help. He should have referred me to an orthopedic surgeon, but he did not, and my condition worsened and worsened. He didn't even want me going to a podiatrist. The week before I went in for my reconstruction, my chiropractor was visibly angry that I had decided to have my foot rebuilt. I haven't been back. I personally think that there isn't any "adjustment" that a chiropractor can do to you that would worsen prolapse; that being said, my chiropractor said to me one time, "Only you can hold in your stomach in, I can't do it for you". So from that you can see where he was coming from. I would like to end by saying since I have been trying to adopt the WW posture, I have had almost no neck pain, and negligible back pain.


hi Very confused, I also have bladder prolapse with beginings of rectocele per my Gyn, and I am currrently in the care of a chiro. He has been my main source of wellness and care for 7+yrs. I see him once a week to be adjusted to relieve stress-induced pain in my upper and lower back up until last fall. The lower back pain increased so bad that at times, it took my breath away. I have had diagnosed cystocele for about 1 1/2 yrs, tried a pessary, and gave it up as symptoms continued . After weeks of adjustments that seemed to relieve the pain only for a day or so, my chiro asked me bluntly "is there anything I could think of that would be causing this pain?" When he put it to me directly, I finally told him I was dealing with pelvic prolapse and I told him I was embarrased to bring it up. I asked him if he knew what it was. When he responded yes and gave me his definition, I wanted to hug him. He honestly told me that he had not treated anyone for prolapse before, but his understanding and approach for treatment was based on posture, diet,weight and exercise. I was relieved to know I could be open with him about my prolapse. If you feel you can be open with your chiro, tell him/her your issues.. our body is one big connected mass. When one thing is out of whack, it affects you like dominos falling over.. I told my chiro I had found WW and was seeking further help by meeting with one of the practitioners. He has offered to help me with a supplemental approach, supporting my muscles and ligaments in combination with WW posture and techniques. I put my trust in my chiro as I am not considering surgery an option for myself. I encourage you to get the adjustments you need so badly for your neck/back issues and mention to your chiro about the prolapse. They may not know what to do for you.. just be prepared for dont want to be a guinea pig. Every chiro is different in how they support their patients, mine does overall wellness. He encourages discussion . This WW forum has a huge amount of info so you can find out about the prolapses that we have, just do a little research before you bring it up.. Hope this helps...