splinting help please


Hey ladies, well the good news is I'm pregnant! Only five weeks, but unfortunately I might be miscarrying. At this point it's just a wait and see approach so I'm trying not to be worried yet.
My question is that does anyone know if it's ok to splint for rectocele during pregnancy? I forgot to ask the doctor and can't find anything on Google.
I know you aren't doctors but there is a wealth of knowledge here, has anyone been advised not to do it during pregnancy?
I knew it's unlikely but I'm scared I've caused the bleeding by splinting. Any thoughts are appreciated, thanks.

So, you are bleeding and that is why you think you are miscarrying? I don't honestly think you could make yourself bleed by gentle splinting unless you scratched yourself with a very long sharp fingernail. If you're still bleeding you might want to give your doc a call and see if he wants to check you out. Best of luck and lots of hugs to you! - Surviving

Thanks, I didn't explain very well. I'm cramping, bleeding and most of my symptoms are gone. Have had my hcg levels tested but have to wait two days to be tested again so they can compare the results. I just wondered if splinting is safe since my cervix is so close, although I wash my hands carefully could it introduce infection?

Hello sorry I didn't see your post, I also had a very big bleed at 10 weeks and felt it was due to constipation issues because I had gone to the toilet downstairs and had to splint, while walking up the stairs felt a sudden bleed running down my legs.. The good news is I am 30 weeks pregnant now do I didn't lose my baby. Can't really help but say obviously the better bowel movements the better and posture really helps, peppermint tea I drink a lot as well! I don't know if it can cause it or it's coincendence to be honest. I just felt worried as didn't have bleed with first but when I've googled it can be very common. Really wishing you all the best and let us know if everything is ok?

Thanks for your replies, I ended up having a miscarriage at nine weeks.
It was unrelated to splinting as the embryo never formed, but I really worry about how to go to the toilet in future pregnancies. I have to splint to go fully but worry about introducing bacteria at such a delicate time.

I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I don't even know what splinting is?

......is when you insert one or two clean fingers into the vagina to push back the rectocele bulge, enabling stool to pass more easily. Not everyone with rectocele has to do this, but it can be a help in many cases. If your hands are clean I don't think there is much risk of introducing bacteria. Eventually the WW work should get those organs forward enough to reduce or eliminate the need to splint. Jiggling/firebreathing beforehand, and proper posture on the toilet, can help greatly. - Surviving

Sorry to hear about your miscarriage and my late reply, don't worry about future pregnancies, I have had to splint on the odd occasions throughout my second pregnancy as system does slow a little but everything has been fine. Wishing you all the best for the future