Constipation pains or miscarriage (long post, sorry)


Hi there.
I'm really hoping you wise women can shed some light on my problem.

I have a two year old. My labour was an uneventful, calm, home birth. My baby was 'sat on my perineum' as the midwife put it for a long time at the end. But all was fine, no tears, a little graze.

Since then I have felt that I have a rectocele prolapse. I haven't seen a doctor as it was manageable (with gentle splinting) not sore and not seeming to be getting any worse. I was also hoping to have another baby so thought I'd deal with it after baby no.2. That's the main reason I was on this site, I'm somewhat suspicious of medically managing and would like to heal myself if possible.

I am now 7 weeks pregnant.
On Monday I was gripped by the most severe cramping, it completely bowled me over, it felt like pregnancy contractions and I was convinced I was miscarrying. There was no bleeding at all though. This carried on for about two hours, approximately 15 mins intervals of calm then horrific contraction-type pain. I eventually passed a hard stool then a gush of watery diarreah and instantly the pain stopped. The relief was amazing!

Confused and worried I contacted my Early Preg Unit, they asked me to come in for a scan due to the abdominal pains. They thought the diarreah could be my bowels eliminating due to the cramping pain.

They did an ultrasound and unfortunately although a healthy correct sized sac was seen on the scan, they couldn't detect a foetus.

I have been sent home and told to come back next week for another scan to confirm the pregnancy is not viable.

It's now Friday, 4 days after the initial incident and I have just been through the exact same two hours; awful pain, no bleeding, no miscarriage. Hard stool followed by diarreah and instant relief.

I'm starting to think this pain is nothing to do with a miscarriage and everything to do with my rectocele.

Can you advise me of your thoughts on this? Has my uterus growing caused my rectocele to worsen perhaps?

I have only just had this 'Eureka' moment so not talked to any hcp yet.
Am so very confused as I'm waiting for a miscarriage as well as dealing with this pain. Do you think they're linked?

Many thanks for taking the time to read all this.

I'm sorry you went through that. I guess that was constipation. I had a lot of that in my early weeks as well. Another cause could be round ligerment pain(not sure of the spelling). Good luck and hope it gets better

Thanks for replying MrsM, it's definitely not round ligament pain, this floored me!
Am still non the wiser as all pain has completely disappeared.
Will see if it happens again in the next three or four days.

Hi Slarti - let's hope for some more responses from those more experienced in pregnancy and rectocele. I don't think there is anything about a rectocele as such that would be giving you hard stools. That would have more to do with diet and medications if any. You may just have a perfect storm of circumstances that are throwing off your system. Pregnancy is quite a ripe environment for that. Do try to get the constipation under control. Depending on what I've eaten (admitting my diet is not the best) I sometimes experience just what you describe (I'm post-meno with rectocele and cystocele). Learn about WW posture and use it all day long and also on the toilet to help avoid straining and to keep the organs in proper position for eliminating. Lift up and little and forward off the seat, keep lower lumbar curve in place (don't collapse the spine). Hope you can get an answer soon about your pregnancy. I can well imagine that the nerves and the stress you are under could be causing or worsening this whole situation. Best of luck. - Surviving

Thank you for your reply.

Have been really good with my diet, mainly sugar free, gluten free for over a month since I first heard I was pregnant.
Have to admit that since the bad news I've given up a little (it was my birthday as well, rubbish day but lots of cake)
Will get my diet back on track and try not to strain. Will look at posture too.
Lots to think about.
I really appreciate your reply.

I have what I can only think of as IBS, a "diagnosis" that many scoff at. But my bowels are extremely sensitive to stress and I can at times experience just what you describe. i think your approach is the best, get the diet back on track and take a look at the posture correction Christine teaches, and get an answer one way or the other regarding your pregnancy as soon as possible, what a thing to have hanging over your head. Here's a video describing posture:

Can't really help medically but just wanted to say really sorry to hear what your going through :( sounds awful and the stress can't be helping. I got a lot of really bad pains before and after I had a bleed with my baby (I didn't lose it so I am lucky) but I never experienced pain like it and didn't have that with my first. I was constipated at the start but I didn't have the issues you have with it relieving the pain..really hope sorted for you one way or another and sorry I can't be more help but sending lots of positive thoughts your way.

Thank you Life Goes On and Surviving. It's great to not feel alone, even if I'm just looking at some words on a screen.

I hope your ok? Still thinking of you. Take care