

Hello ladies, I'm new here however, some of you already know me. I've been browsing though old posts and came across jiggling it.
Is jiggling save in pregnancy, I'm 15 weeks pregnant.
I'm also wondering if you can also help me on how to do the postures as I'm based in South Africa and me ordering the books and dvd might take even 2-3 months I guess.
Please help

Hi MrsMashau - there is a video explaining posture on Christine's YouTube channel:


You'll find other helpful stuff there and throughout this website, blog and forum. Plenty to learn while you wait for your stuff.

Jiggling the organs forward into the lower belly can be done any way you want. The way I do it is gentle and certainly wouldn't be a problem in pregnancy. I just bend forward at the hips, and sort of run in place really really fast without my feet actually coming off the floor. That's the best way I can describe it. Others have their own favorite way. - Surviving