Hyperplasia with Atypia


Hello, I am new to this forum and was so heartened to learn of this work! I wondered if I could call on the experience here for something I feel is connected to Christine's work:
I have been told I have Complex Hyperplasia with Atypia and am hoping to avoid any surgery especially hysterectomy. The oncologist is recommending a Merena IUD with synthetic progesterone then hysterectomy if it doesn't diminish after 3 months.
I would like to try some alternatives to both of these. Feel I'm being put on the fear/ surgery wagon here. There is a history of cancer in my family but I have a very different lifestyle and approach. Any experience with this out there? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated

Hi HealHer and welcome to WW. This is a hard topic for the forum. I'd be interested to know how old you are, a bit of childbearing history and what it was that triggered you to seek this diagnosis in the first place, what was happening? Christine has written quite a bit about the traumatic but wonderful uterine purge that she experienced. What are your symptoms?

You have already gone pretty far down the road with these doctors, and the farther one goes, the harder it is to change course and the more your fears are played upon. If you are trying to save your uterus, then I say, fight that fight! The stats on unnecessary hyst are alarming, shameful and shocking. The necessary functions of our uterus throughout all life stages have been well-documented.

Maybe a private consult with Christine, and/or a call to the HERS Foundation might be productive. I know nothing about this diagnosis or the treatments that are being proposed to you. Second opinions always sound like a good idea, but everyone is pretty knife-happy these days, so that is no guarantee of getting a better answer.

But if you're looking for suggestions on healthy living, boy are you in the right place! - Surviving

Thank you so much for your kind response. I am educating myself and stalling everything except natural progesterone (vitex, pre-gest and red clover infusion) at the moment. I definitely will be contacting Christine shortly as well as exploring the HERS website. Would love to converse more. Perhaps I should address this on a different forum? Hysterectomy maybe? Please advise. . .

Multiple postings of the same question will most likely not get you more responses. The main reason for the different categories is to help new members or casual lookers find more information that may be relevant to them. Frequently the category selection is ignored by posters (which is why we have so many posts in "long-standing success stories", which is the default if the writer fails to make a selection). But it's not like there is a different pool of members sitting over in the Hyst. section. - Surviving