How is your knee, Surviving?


Thinking about you! Is it the inside of your right knee by chance?

Why thanks for asking, dearie. No, it's my left knee, and it feels like a twisting type of injury. I don't remember twisting it, but during this healing time, it seems to be felt the most when anything I do causes it to twist even just a little. It is getting slowly, slowly better, which seems to be the norm when it comes to healing at my age!

In case you are relating this to driving, I drive a stick, so both legs/feet have plenty of work to do. Driving does not aggravate it in the least. Go figure! - Surviving

Sounds like tendinitis, maybe. Yes, I ask because right hip/knee pain is so common.

I am keenly interested in addressing knees, as the number of women who can't sit in common human female positions on the floor is far greater than those who are able (in my experience). My own personal experience tells me that the muscles, tendons, and ligaments around the knee must be stretched out through these positions to remain fully functional. Women don't sit like this anymore, and it is amazing how severely the knees freeze up. Once contractures take over, it is unknown how much mobility can be regained. I have worked with so many perfectly healthy older women who are basically disabled because their knees won't allow them to get down and up from the floor. I have worked with many younger women who do not yet have pain, but whose knee range of motion is severely restricted. The lumbar spine ultimately controls hip and knee alignment.

I would suggest alternating heat and cold and keeping your knee mobile with just a few ROM exercises three times a day. Standing while carefully flexing your knee (holding your foot in your hand behind you) is one idea. Deep plies and forward bends with straight (not hyperexteded!) knees are others. My knees remain strong and flexible with only the short exercise program in the morning. If I do not do this, the inside of my right knee starts to hurt - and I haven't driven in two years. I think there is a general twisting of the body frame that is very common in our culture (explained in the hips dvd) and even I (with perfect WW posture every minute of every day - HA!) must work regularly to counteract it.



Will do so! Thank you my friend. In my life I am surrounded by people with mobility issues that could have been prevented by the right knowledge and a "use-it-or-lose-it" attitude. Loss of mobility = loss of independence and that happens far too early to so many folks. Don't want to be one of them. - Surviving

Thanks Christine. It all makes so much sense!

Dear Surviving,
My very best wishes to you for a speedy recovery from your knee pain.
((( hugs)))
Aussie Soul Sister

Thanks Soul Sis, I'm getting there slowly but surely. Christine was writing up above about the various sitting positions we use on the floor. I realized that I had not been doing much of anything since this pain started, and last night at my earliest opportunity, I got down on the floor and worked myself through these positions several times, just to see how it felt and to make sure everything was still flexible. It all felt fine and I think I was better afterwards. The work is never done....we have to keep everything long and strong! - Surviving