Any experience with The Tummy Team for diastasis recti?


I came across the below online class description yesterday at:
Core Foundations 8-week Online Training Program
This program was developed to work with anyone with core weakness, low back pain, diastasis recti, pelvic floor weakness or just a poorly functioning core. People with sciatica, prolapse, prostate issues, sacro-iliac instability, rib pain, abdominal hernias, upper back pain and in need of birth recovery will also benefit from this program. Core Foundations builds the foundational strength of the internal corset muscles and gradually integrates that essential strength into your everyday life. This is a great option for those of you who need this information and training but are unable to meet with us in person.

I confess I am intrigued. I have had diastasis recti issues for 1.5 years now. After several pregnancies, I "healed" it with the Tupler Technique. But after my last pregnancy, I developed prolapse and the Tupler team said not to do their exercises or wear a splint. So I've been afraid to try anything to heal my diastasis muscles, and instead have been focused on Whole Woman posture and exercises (which help my prolapse - thank you Christine!).

I know the prolapse issue is more important than my vanity in having a bulging tummy. (I look like I'm a couple months pregnant.) But I'd still love to be able to flatten out my tummy and look and feel better in what I wear. But I'm afraid to try much of anything because I don't want to make my prolapse worse again.

So, I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about The Tummy Team exercises - since they say people with prolapse will benefit. I will probably contact them and ask for more details (and will tell them about Whole Woman if they don't know). But I wanted to start here by asking you ladies!

Here is a post with Christine's views on diastasis recti:

To me, anything that talks about core strengthening and pelvic floors is suspicious. Pelvic floor strengthening isn't what whole woman is about. It's getting to the correct posture so the organs can move into the lower belly away from the vaginal canal. Some more study might need to be done here on the true aspect of what the female form is.
Other opinions welcome, of course, but I'm not feeling this.

Lilium, I only glanced at the material on your link, and maybe I'll try to give it a look when I have more time. But the thread that AG posted pretty much says it all on the subject. Your description of this program rings many alarm bells....."core weakness", "pelvic floor weakness", "poorly functioning core", and my favorite, "builds foundational strength of the internal corset muscles." Pure convention, just another program based on a complete lack of understanding of true female anatomy. If this kind of stuff has an appeal for you, I urge you to do more WW study. - Surviving

Wow - check out this picture of the "pelvic floor":
It absolutely made my day.

Lilium PLEASE don't get sucked in by these guys. And please don't think I'm being disrespectful. But if you take something like this, that represents everything that Christine has been fighting against for the last 10+ years, her life's work, and post it on the forum for us to look at and comment on, then we have no choice but to ask you to go back to the WW basics and learn what we are all about here. - Surviving

Wow, that is scary, surviving!! Reminds me of the examples in Christine's book, and on this website, on how "not" to hold your posture! More reason to study whole woman!

Thank you for your comments. I had a feeling this was nothing I should be involved in. Sigh. Just wishing as I had a vanity relapse. But I do totally believe Christine's in research. Thank you for reminding me of that thread where she discussed this problem, I even had printed it out when I first read it. So I'll just forget about that Tummy place and stick with WW!