Christine here is your thread I was referring to


Dear Christine, it was not easy to find your words, but I managed.
Here is your thread:
This is the sentence which I was writing about in my comment to Surviving:

"I do not know how reversible this condition will be. My hope is that by pulling the entire pelvic contents forward with this work, the rectocele bulge will be straightened some."

And here is the whole text:

Hi Apis,

Welcome to Whole Woman!

Marigold has given you such great information and advice. Soon it will be the rare doctor who has the audacity to disregard what is happening here at WW. It reminds me of “old wive’s tales”, which were discounted out of hand by the patriarchal medical system, yet in reality held vital women’s knowledge. Our old wive’s tales will ultimately replace the gynecologic response to prolapse and incontinence.

First things first. You do not have an “underneath”. You have a “behind”, and in normal anatomy your organs are carried forward right behind your lower belly. Here is a very rough draft of the new way we are conceptualizing the pelvic wall. You can see that even though the bottom half is slightly underneath, the entire pelvic diaphragm is oriented more like a wall than a “floor”.

The A&P repair likely fused your vaginal walls to your bladder and rectal walls. Because the body is naturally pulling the uterus forward with every breath you take, your fused pelvic “block” has likely been pulling slightly forward all these years. Based on what the physio said, and what is logical, your lower bowel has finally fallen into the U-shaped space that was created as the vagina moved forward.

I do not know how reversible this condition will be. My hope is that by pulling the entire pelvic contents forward with this work, the rectocele bulge will be straightened some.

I can relate to your condition because through an incontinence procedure my front vaginal wall was also pulled forward. This caused a similar opening up at the back, into which my uterus immediately fell. My uterine prolapse is very different from “natural” UP, which almost always is connected to a moderate cystocele. My symptoms are much more like rectocele.

What is needed in my case is very powerful lower abdominal breath and movement work, the beginnings of which I put into the First Aid for Prolapse dvd and also the first Whole Woman Yoga dvd. After a recent bout of worsening symptoms I have discovered yet another level of the same sort of work, which will be included in the second WWYoga dvd, available August 15th. It is simply amazing how much natural anatomic movement can be reinforced from the inside through breath and belly exercise. Because Middle Eastern belly dance was created by and for women, I can only assume it was in part addressing these extremely common conditions.

I hope this work is able to help you as well. What all women need to know, and what was the primary focus of my book, Saving the Whole Woman, is that there is no surgical solution for these conditions. You are living the reality that surgery makes the body less able to return to the true pelvic organ support system.

So, as Marigold implied, often the best course of action is to work with what we have. This means understanding anatomical realities and working to establish as much natural pelvic organ support as possible. This has nothing to do with pelvic floor exercises or e-stim, which have the potential to worsen rectocele symptoms.

Yes, please enjoy all your usual activities, resting when necessary and always reinforcing with WW methods. These work because they are one and the same with the true pelvic organ support system.

Wishing you well,


OK this makes more sense now. Christine was responding to someone who has had repair surgeries - this always changes things drastically and makes the WW results harder to predict. - Surviving

Dear Christine and Surviving, I understand it now. Please don't forget that even if I can speak some English, it can happen many times that I misunderstand something. But to be honest since I found this WW site my English is better and better because I read it almost every day. Budahazya

Great to hear, dear Buda!

I think your English is great. You always get your message across. I appreciate that you took the time and trouble to find the post where you had seen this statement about rectocele, so that we could get the misunderstanding corrected. We wouldn't want you (or anyone else) to go another day thinking that rectocele was a problem that the WW work could not solve! - Surviving

Dear Surviving,
Of course I did it did it because I immediately understood from Christine's comment that I must have misunderstood something and as I quoted something without the context I might have messaged something which was not correct or true. Budahazya