Whole Woman Exercises and knees


My question is, I have issues with my right knee and I cannot sit on my feet or squat like I used to when I was younger. How can I modify those postures to get the necessary benefit?

Here is my history: I am back after several years of being prolapse free. I did Christine's exercises for at least a year, but eventually had surgery to correct a horrendous prolapsed bladder and vagina. The surgery basically closed off my vagina. This was a very hard choice even though I am 66 and was 64 when I had the surgery. The doctor lead me to believe I was too far gone to benefit from a plain ol bladder suspension. I had to agree because I had one of those a few years prior. So, two bladder surgeries under my belt and guess what showed up last week... Another bladder prolapse. I was heart sick, but now I am back to square one starting the yoga exercises again. I have the DVD from several years back, and the original book, so I will start over. Again.


Hi Meribelle - It is important when you ask questions on this forum that these questions are placed in the proper context, or you may get answers that are inappropriate.

I believe that you had hysterectomy some years ago, along with some repairs. Then you worked on Whole Woman for awhile, then went back and had further surgery. At this point I would surmise that you had a vaginal vault prolapse followed by surgery to sew the vagina shut (colpocleisis) - is this correct? - Surviving

Oops, that was me probably giving inappropriate answers on another thread. Hadn't realized the extent of meribell's surgeries. What would be the best plan of action from this point? Taking on the posture more slowly?

Meribelle needs to let us know her actual surgical history, so best to wait until she comes back on. We aren't professionals and we can only suggest a course of action based on the information available, though maybe a consult with Christine is in order at this point. - Surviving

Yes, to all your questions, Surviving60. It has been 2 years since the colpocleisis. I have not told anybody about it all this time, except my husband of course, because I was embarrassed. I am relieved to finally be able to discuss it. I thought it would be the answer to all my prolapse issues and now here I am prolapsed again. I am going back to the doctor in middle July because that is when he can see me again. He no longer takes Medicare, so it will be my on my money, but it will be worth it to talk to him. I do not want another surgery. Getting well was not a piece of cake. I hope to do the exercises and manage it that way.

It is not comfortable to have a bulge between your legs, as I guess most of us know. I ordered the DVD for seniors yesterday from Whole Woman and I hope it helps.

Hi meribelle,
I hadn't realized the extent of your surgeries, and I am not really sure myself how to advise you in this situation. It may be in your best interest to contact Christine or a whole woman practitioner to see how you should proceed at this point.
Whole woman posture still does help our hips and whole body well being, but I am unsure the extent that it will help your bladder prolapse with your history of surgeries.
I do really wish you the best.

Normally I would tell any woman that gentle WW work is good for her, regardless of her situation. With so much stitching inside of you, I would feel more comfortable if you contacted Christine and booked some time with her. For one thing, I don't understand the anatomy after the vagina has been closed, where exactly does the bladder bulge into?

If you understand the elements of WW posture, then I would concentrate just on the posture and staying in that posture as you move throughout your day. Lots of walking, in very mindful WW posture. Is the posture comfortable for you? - Surviving

PS, why exactly are you going back to the doctor in July?

Hi Merribelle, I am just curious what your experience has been with this type of surgery? I am facing this very soon Due to the extent of pelvic damage I have. From what I understand what my Gyne has told me... they stitch the entire vagina closed after removing the uterus and cervix ( at least, thats How my gyne does these and ONLY as a last resort). I am 39 but have never been real interested in sex or dating so that part don't bother me. After you had yours, Did it strenghten the pelvic floor? naturally I have been researching this alot as I am very nervous and moody. What me and my Gyne are aiming for is releif from the prolapses ( my cystocelle being the worst so that my urethra now points straight up) The 2nd worst is my rectocelle and it.s only becuz I have these two prolapses my uterus hasn't fallen out. Today I talked with my assigned home care RN who also had this done and swears by it. I am surprised I have so many issues caused by this pelvic prolapse.. even to the extent I cant walk ( things are pressing on my sciatic nerves but will get better after surgery). Tomorrow I am seeing My new GI for the rectocele and issues with that ( i have IBS with near constant diarhea and leak). Hoping for a med or SOMETHING to regulate this till surgery. Anyhow, I would like to know youre experience with Colpocleisis if thats ok? thanks!

You are always free to post your comments but I will continue to jump in whenever clarification is needed. You have stated you were born with neurological disorders and you have had several surgical repairs because of extensive damage to the vagina cause by sexual assault. We don't know what these surgeries entailed or how your other conditions manifest themselves. You speak of having "so many issues caused by this pelvic prolapse" when most likely it is the other way around. Once you begin to alter the dynamics, whether simply by years of wrong posture, or by events/surgeries that change things in untold ways, you set yourself up. It's what we all did, but yours is a much more extreme example.

Meribelle has already described the problems that she is continuing to have post-colpocleisis. Perhaps she will see this post and come back on to comment further. - Surviving