Is it true for rectocele?


Dear Ladies I have just found this thread from Christine:

It is written here that uterus and bladder in most cases stop worsening at stage III. But rectocele is not mentioned, and I read somewhere (not on this site) that rectocele often protrudes from the vagina.

Is it true?


Budahazya, I haven't read through this thread yet. But I don't think rectocele is any more susceptible to worsening than the other prolapses. But there is a lot you can do to aggravate it, with poor diet and bathroom habits. All prolapsed organs will be at or near the opening at least some of the time. They are always on the move! - Surviving

I can only say that both my PoP were stage 2 - 3 at the beginning, and all improved over time with WW. My rect is the one more likely to show itself now if I get constipated, but I've learned that it's very temporary and not to panic. only that it's a message i need to watch what i eat more closely….