
I am living proof that Christine's WWP, exercises and Hips program WORK...

After just knowing that I didn't want the only option of surgery I found Christine after 18 years, after DOING the other work of ;
- kegels, which resulted in constant urinary urgency.
- suck & tuck, C shaped posture and slouching into furniture, leading to worsening prolapse and the threat of more prolapses.
- Also I was experiencing the beginning of chronic disabling hip dysfunction and severe pain, after years of hip instability from regular dislocation, and hip discomfort preventing side sleeping and also at times when trying the only other alternative of sleeping on my back.

I read about Christine's research and personal experience and her background and decided to TRUST her, absorb all her knowledge, and DO the work. This was in May 2012.

Just Whole Woman posture alone stopped the hip dislocation/ instability and accompanying debilitating and alarming crunching and pain.
I added more to my fitness journey a few months ago using the Hips DVD as a base to work from adding other DVDs as my body dictates. I now sleep dislocation and pain free on either side and my back.

My rectocele is manageable, particularly as I now have the strength to take my weight onto my legs and stand above the loo in the posture, if I wish and push when I need to with better success than I have ever had along with protection of my bladder and uterus being optimal. The other threatening prolapses have retreated.

I am my own study and the benefits from this work are regularly updated on this forum when they happen and the opportunity arises. I am rewarded so often with benefits that now I can observe just what to look out for next as well as the surprises.

I know the paradigm shift can be huge from what we have studied and been told, and some of the fields we work in, however Christine's work speaks for itself.
I believe this knowledge is the missing link in WOMEN BEING FULLY INFORMED, and then their decisions are the best ones that they can make for themselves.

I am eternally grateful to you Christine and the ladies on this forum for helping me particularly as a newbie.

My very best wishes to all,
Aussie Soul Sister

What a lovely post Soul Sis, you have always had such an eloquent way of tying all of this together. You have graced our pages with such wonderful updates of your journey here. I can't imagine anyone doubting the truth of this work after reading your posts. The value of this work is so self-evident to those of us who have really thrown our hearts and souls into it. There is no way to quantify what Christine has given to the world....the best we can do is keep up the work and continue to spread our stories as they keep perpetually unfolding! Because the goodies never stop coming, from what I can tell. The progress never stops, and Christine never stops coming up with new stuff to ponder and new stuff to do. Wouldn't want to be anywhere else! Thanks SS for all that you contribute to this mission. - love and hugs - Surviving

Dear Surviving 60,
Many many thanks to you for your kind words, and for your continued support of everyone here along with AG.
There is so much more detail to discuss, however I felt the need to post yesterday with the main improvements that I have experienced and there are so many others that happen as I go!

Christine is amazing living proof - I am eternally grateful to her for the ever increasing quality of life I have now. Sending ((((huge hugs))) and much love.....

A correction to my post "I now sleep dislocation and pain free" ( I was dislocation free at the start of WWP)
"I now sleep discomfort and pain free"...
Best wishes to all,
(((huge hugs & love to you Surviving))),
Aussie Soul Sister

Love you Aussie and Surviving! Thank you with all my heart for believing in - and doing! - the work. XO

This is an expansion on another post as to benefits I have gained from doing the hips DVD.
They add to my belief that Christine's approach is holistic.

I have peppered the forum with my results, however I tend to make the posts about me rather than focus just on the person and their inquiry. So here goes - with some of my latest results...mixed in with some of the post.

The difference with the Hips DVD and the other DVDs is the following.

Just to qualify, I started with the Hips DVD primarily due to hip muscle tightness, to further the success of no more dislocation effect and hip concussion just by adopting WWP.

I also remember now that my leg veins were making it difficult to sit with any pressure on the back of my legs at all and were becoming painful! A long car trip added to the incentive to start the DVDs!

I no longer have debilitating irritated varicose veins - they hardly give a nip anymore and I can sit on a chair with pressure on the back of my legs - I can sit comfortably in a car for 4hrs as a passenger.

Most of Christine's exercises are TRANSFERABLE between standing, sitting on a chair and sitting and lying on the yoga mat.

The Hips DVD uses props for support.

The standing foot exercises are done with the SUPPORT of holding onto a rail/ ballet bar or a sturdy high backed chair. Very helpful to develop better balance safely, slowly and so encouraging to have that support.
I found a double clothes rack for the foot arch exercises - ( my idea at my own risk), which gave me enough support as I had some balance at first.
A railing or ballet bar should be used as recommended by Christine.

Later I managed with a high backed heavy wooden chair for the standing foot exercises.

When my balance improved, I eventually progressed to full human extension holding the WW baton above my head, for the standing foot exercises.

Gripping the baton and holding it up has increased my hand strength, along with supporting myself for some of the floor exercises.

Later I used a short barbell on its own at first, and now with weights - the weights are my idea and my experiment on myself at my own risk. My hand were becoming weaker and now are stronger than they have ever been.

Some of the foot exercises are done on the floor mat while lying down on stomach and back, which can be more supportive and full human extension with the baton is used while pointing and flexing feet.

I keep the chair beside me anyway for the box hip exercises and still use it for support as I now have some ankle weights I use - again my own idea and at my own risk.
I am amazed at how my balance has improved over time even on the box for the hip exercises.

I have better balance, can walk without hip instability, or hip concussion and pain, and can pick my way through obstacles as I am much more sure footed...my body is straightened out - almost equally distributed weight bearing on my feet, and inner ear balance has improved immensely - I dared to hope for this miracle... I can now do more of the exercises/ forward bends without dizziness or nausea....

The chair exercises are amazing for upper body strength and easier to do because of sitting, however they are still powerful in their strengthening and great exercises.

I have added heavier hand weights to some of the arm exercises again at my own risk. Christine does include the option of wrist weights ( light ones), that strap onto the hand.

I highly recommend the chair exercises and have benefits of increased strength and range of motion in my neck,arms,torso and hands, allowing everyday WWP to be held more effortlessly.
I can look R & Left more quickly & easily ie: while driving / crossing road.

I see great improvement just standing anywhere, wet surfaces like the shower, walking and lifting anything like groceries, laundry baskets, heavy cooking pots.

I can hold onto & manipulate things with more hand strength, reach up better to hang out washing & master those stubborn shopping trolley/carts which are so cumbersome & heavy - I feel so empowered that I can handle them so much more easily!

All things which help keep us independent longer.

Don't be intimidated by the exercises - I am in my 50s, I was more than a little daunted & could see how unfit I was at first, but as with anything new - eventually improvement happens with ability and confidence, resulting in empowerment!
In hindsight I am so glad I kept at it as the benefits are beyond what I could have imagined in the beginning...will dare to run now in WWP....
Much love,
Aussie Soul Sister

I love this, all of it, but especially the little things like greater ability in being able to reach up and hang the laundry and improved inner ear balance. Astounding really that so many positive effects can result when this approach is followed. I am looking forward to try to do what I can from the hips workout and see if it doesn't help stave off the inevitable (for me) sciatica nerve pain in later pregnancy - God willing!

The little benefits all happening like the pieces of a quilt being sewn together to make a picture of beautiful holistic health - adding up to the "whole"!

These benefits however small are amazing in themselves - they are what has kept me going and now I can dare to have an improvement in mind and along the way it happens.

I had another go at running barefoot yesterday .. I had been doing a very little on and off in my yard, as I had noticed a problem with my right foot which I had injured a decade or more ago. I didn't want to aggravate it so took it easy.

This time hardly a protest from my foot, so was able to run up and down a few times and though I can "feel" the area it is so much better...so another small but so significant step in my WW journey!

I avoided running before WW as I thought is very stressful on the body and the WW way is amazing, and so much more natural....

I hope your nerve pain is avoided chickaboom - let us know how you go!

The following blog by Christine is one of my favourites called

"Balance - The Sixth Sense" - click on the link words Science Column during the article for more interesting research.


Best Wishes,
Aussie Soul Sister

I was thinking of celebrating my time with Whole Woman in terms of Birthdays...

So it is my 3rd Birthday this month of May as a Whole Woman! YAY! WHAT A JOURNEY!

I just want to humbly, from the bottom of my heart thank Christine, Lanny and family for making this amazing holistic healing journey possible for me, & so many others so far across the world.

Thankyou also to Christine and the lovely ladies who have supported me on this forum with great patience and wonderful help, especially when I needed it most as a newbie.

For once I am sort of at a loss for words, so I will include a link to the poetry section of the forum where I wrote how I see all our connection to each other.


Much love to you all,

Aussie Soul Sister

Thanks Soul Sis for bumping up this poem and the wonderful story of your journey here. And a happy 3rd "birthday" to you - I love that concept! Congrats, love and deepest gratitude for your beautiful contributions to this forum over the years. - Surviving

Congratulations Aussie Soul Sister! And, what a pleasure it has been to be able to read your wonderful and very helpful post throughout these years!!

Greetings dear Aussie Soul Sister .I wish you much joy and happiness today and in the years to come.May you go from strength to strength.This is my birthday wish for you on successfully completing three years with the Whole Woman Sisterhood. I am ever so glad to have found you all :)

Thankyou so much for your kind words and good wishes, Surviving 60, Kittu's Collie, &
Aging Gracefully ( by the way I must have missed your post on jumping and so happy that you are having success with it) YAY from me too!

So glad you found us Kittu's Collie....Welcome - it was like a homecoming for me,
such a sense of belonging... & the holistic approach to natural management of our whole selves!

much love,
Aussie Soul Sister