chronic BV that does not respond to medical therapy


As if my prolapse(s) wren't enough, and now a kidney infection caused from the cystocele, I have a nasty case of BV that is not responding to any treatment my docs try. Today while in the ER ( different one that IS affiliated with my gyne) I was informed I have " clue cells" and BV that is not responding to ANYTHING my docs have tired. I have been on Oral antibiotics and also the gel forms, but the agonizing burning just isn't going away. I asked my doc about some type of alternative therapy and she said if I find one... go for it by all means. I am also sick of taking cipro off and on for these UTIs I keep getting ( supposedly from the prolapse). Sometimes I think Doctors just guess at or throw straws at things and try this or that with no gaurentees. I Ordered something called Relactogel from which is supposed to help and prevent BV. it's also preservative free, which is good becuz my insides are very sensitive. Has anyone else tried the relactogel for BV? Or any other natural treatments for it?

I see I posted this in the WRONG forum.. I guess it should have went in the pelvic health forum. Mods, please excuse me, Sometimes my brain doesn't think right :(