Question about stretches with legs up


Hello Ladies, I have one more question regarding the workout in the book. I'm doing the stretching block right now and in the exercise with legs up, when we are meant to keep the 90° angle my abdominal muscles seem very hard and tense. After doing other stretching exercises for a while now I'm able tohold my legs at this angle yet my belly seems tense. Is it possible that I can aggrevate my prolapse by doing this stretch? Iknow that there's also scissors exercises based on this position as I was looking through some past threads.
I would be grateful for some input on this.


I recently posed the same question, here is the thread:

Hi Surviving, thank you for the link. I've read through the posts yet I think I will have to abandon this stretch. I didn't find the explanation why my abs seem so tight. The muscle in the lower belly is very hard. Lifting up my legs at 90° is not a problem, I can also stretch them to the sides quite far yet my entire abdominal wall becomes very tight, which I presume is putting a lot of pressure on the organs inside. In fact my cystocele seems bigger and heavier in the last few days. I am afraid I'm doing things wrong. I'm doing other stretches too. Bending down from my hips is going well, I'm relaxing my belly as much as I can. My other problem is when I sit at the right angle with my legs straight my lumbar curve disappears completely and I would be unable to do any pelvic rocs for example. I guess this might be because my muscles are shortened as it was explained in one of the posts. Well, I will keep doing other stuff as much as I can because my son has just started crawling and he's everywhere now which means more lifting.

When you are new to this work, initially there will be things that feel good right away, and things that you have to work up to slowly. There is more to this remodeling of the body than just relieving prolapse symptoms, and eventually you will want to take a longer view of getting your body back to where all the parts are functioning as they should. When you've been managing your prolapse for several years, it is less problematic to work on stretches that may make you feel tight and tense. That is the whole point. At your stage, don't do something if it feels bad. Christine gave a pretty good explanation on that thread of why these stretches are good. But Christine is in extremely good shape, and many of us are not. If you learn to stay in posture as you go throughout your day, which includes things like lifting and carrying properly, supporting the lower back while driving, and just basically training your body to adopt this shape on its own (which takes months), then you can add the more challenging pieces of bodywork as you go along. - Surviving