Not saying anything new, but...


I feel so damaged by this. I have struggled with body image issues my whole life and only when I got pregnant and had my daughter did I really start to feel good about it, like it was finally doing what it was meant to do. I discovered my POP quite by accident two years ago, during a self-exam in the shower. I immediately recognized that my cervix was sitting way lower in my vagina than it had been. And yes, I had been leaking some urine (actually, this had been a benign issue for me since puberty) more frequently since giving birth, but that was it. So I tried to research, which initially yielded just enough information to really scare me, and I went to the OB/GYN. She diagnosed me with So I went through months of coming to terms with this "new me"... finding the courage to talk to my husband about it, realizing I had a trifecta of risk factors that had likely contributed to the POP (grandmother had complete uterine prolapse that went untreated; mixed-connective tissue disease; 12 years as a veterinary technician), as well as childbirth.
Now the cystocele-and actually I'm not convinced I'm not dealing with more of a anterior vaginal wall prolapse-has progressed a little more, to the point where sex is leaving me feeling sore and heavy for a couple of days. I'm so angry and depressed. Confiding in friends gets me well intentioned but still hurtful comments like "Now I'm sure to do my kegels!" Even my therapist just told me "Get this fixed (I.e. surgery), so you'll feel better!"
I feel so mad that NO ONE talks about this in the medical community before childbirth or even pregnancy. It really is this whole silent epidemic...
I am doing my best to take care of myself. I have actually been getting PT for chronic neck pain these past couple of months which has been very posture oriented and is essentially the WW posture, so I have that tool in my kit already :) I am very discouraged by the recent progression in symptoms however... I can't get in to see my new GYN until October, and I really need help trying to stay sane until then.

Hi mantisgirl, welcome to Whole Woman. Most women end up with prolapse eventually, and I don't think having a grandmother with prolapse is particularly significant, so please don't get hung up on your risk factors or how you ended up in this situation. The important thing is to learn to manage it now. And it sounds like you are expecting a solution from your gyn in October. So I will tell you that he or she is not likely to have much help to offer. Surgery is out; not an option that you should even consider. If this surprises you, then please do more reading on this site. PTs don't really teach fully-extended posture; at best they may promote a neutral spine and pelvis which is not the same thing. The true posture correction taught by WW is essentially to keep yourself more or less horizontal from the hips down, so that gravity, breathing, and the lumbar curve created by the relaxed belly can do their work. Docs and PTs also love to send you off kegeling, which is another thing to be avoided.

Cystocele/rectocele is quite manageable with a commitment to this work. This is the most common form of prolapse and Christine calls it "nature's pessary" because the bulges help support the uterus and prevent it from falling too far out of place. need to do a lot more than just stay sane until you can see your doc! Go over to the resources page, find the videos and watch the first one on the page. Go to the blog and put kegels in the search box to find the relevant articles there. Read all over the site, forum and blog before you set foot in that doctor's office.

I have cystocele and rectocele and I've been doing this work for over 4 years. I've never seen a doctor about my prolapse and I don't have any plans to. I realize that's not for everyone. My point is just that female pelvic health is not an area where the medical profession shines. Immersion in Christine's teachings is how you manage this. - Surviving

Hi Mantisgirl,
Welcome to the WW community. I'm so pleased you found this site. There's a great deal of information, support, resources and advice available on the WW website and in the WW community.

My heart goes out to you. Many of us on this site have felt depressed, demoralised, scared, angry, upset, freaked, anxious, tearful, isolated, desperate…. Pretty normal feelings in the circumstances… Many of us have found the WW approach helpful and effective. Many, like myself now consider ourselves to have a pelvic organ prolapse (pop) condition which we manage and control. Obviously we're all different so just as causes and symptoms will vary from woman to woman, so too does the recovery rate and management. However overall most women find relief, improvement and support from the WW approach.

I recommend you follow the WW approach. There are lots of avenues available. There are dvd's, the Destination - Prolapse Free Symptoms on-line course which includes a consultation with a qualified WW teacher, 'Saving the Whole Woman' book, if you're lucky - classes &/or 1:1 face to face/tel/SKYPE sessions with qualified WW teachers or Christine Kent, you tube clips and of course this wonderful website to browse around.

This approach is fairly recent and is not yet mainstream thinking. So you may not find this comprehensive understanding and treatment approach elsewhere. The WW approach is safe, natural, non intrusive and effective. I always recommend to women that they try this approach first. Once women have had surgery there is no turning back. However with the WW approach your options remain open. Once you engage with the WW approach the likelihood is that no further action is required.

The WW approach is in many ways very simple. I often find women saying 'Is that it?!'. This is because actually it is simple and natural. The trouble very often is that we have strayed away from living in a way that supports pelvic organ support. In many ways the WW approach brings us back to normality.

My experience is that most PT systems, the medical system and most mainstream thinking are a bit different to the WW approach. So I would advice you wot immerse yourself in the WW approach initially. Once you've understood the WW practice and principles and live accordingly, then you'll be able to adapt most things to do whatever you want to do. However initially it's best to get a firm grounding in this approach.

Understanding the theory helps, but basically this is a practical approach and needs to be practiced to be effective.

Good luck - and our hearts go with you.

Hi Mantisgirl
I too have heart felt sympathy for you. Although I am older I have always thought myself informed and active and up to date. This prolapse stuff and how to live with it is a better kept secret than Father Christmas!! The two posts above r full of wisdom . When u have gone through your natural furious emotions take a real look at all this site offers. That is what helped me and now I am amazed to find that I often totally forget the horrid prolapse and do not blame myself or my body any more. You can do this yourself with help here. 2things which might help u now are firstly the page on this site which is written by Christine for husbands to read ,it changed things for me greatly ,
allso natural ,local honey might help your soreness,as recommended by Christine. Sounds mad but it works! Good luck amd hope to hear you r making good progress.