symptom questions...


Hello. I have a cystocele (for 3 years) which is manageable with WW, but is always considerably worse during ovulation and menstruation. Is this normal? One of the symptoms that is worse during these two times is rectal pressure. I've been told that I don't have a rectocele, so is this because of the prolapse? I have regular bowel movements, without having to strain at all. I do however have a problem with hemorrhoids, even though I don't strain. This may all be information you don't need :), but I'm not sure if it factors in. I'd love to understand the rectal pressure as it makes me concerned about what is going on. Also any understanding of the hemorrhoids when there's no straining. I'm worried that I'll have to have something done surgically if I can't get them to subside.
Thanks you so much in advance for help with a kind of yucky subject!


Hi Sonrisa,
I have the more profound uterine prolapse and only slight cystocele, and I can say that I do have worsening symptoms during my period, but for me it is usually middle to end , and then a few days after, but with the whole woman practices, I can get it all back in order again. I wonder sometimes if it is hormones or swelling, or combination of factors that causes this, but to me it all just part of managing prolapse with WW.
I cannot comment on the hemroids, because I only got them with constipation. Maybe some other wise women will come along with an answer to that.

Hi dear Sonrisa,
My understanding is that the process of ovulation and subsequent menstruation is a natural inflammatory process.
I used to feel uncomfortable at the start of menstruation usually with a b/movement that was a little hotter, and a general feeling of things heavier like the pubic bone.
The body does retain I believe a bit more fluid to enable the uterus to build up & shed its lining so keeping up fluids could help, and the uterus does move around and lower at this time.
Christine's DVD on vulval vaginal health explains the whole process from birth to puberty which is really interesting and reassuring, along with a wealth of other useful information including an anti - inflammatory approach to diet.

Best wishes,
Aussie Soul Sister