Cervix position


Hi ladies,
When standing my cervix comes out of my front vag wall, pointing toward my bum. When I get on my hands and knees (or knees and forehead to floor), I always assumed my cervix/uterus would fall into my lower belly and rise above my pubic bone. Well after checking I realize that in this position my cervix points up (towards my head) in this position. I don't understand this. So where is my uterus going, I don't think it is flopping into my lower belly? Does this mean it is tipped/bent? Would appreciate any ideas, comments.


That is interesting, sea turtle. It sounds much like a post from Louise some time ago where she discussed all the different position her uterus went through before she was finally able to get it into a completely antiverted position. I also remember her saying that it took about four years to be able to do it. So you may just be in the middle if your journey at this point.
Hope this is helpful.