Sitting Posture


Hi, I am new to the WWVF - I have a 3rd degree triple prolapse - bowl, bladder and uterus. This has been quite devastating as I was a real gym junky doing step classes and pump classes and was in love with the stair master.

I am in my late forties. I was diagnosed three years ago and to be honest I don't think I truly took it in I was more concerned about being told that I had to stop doing my favourite gym routines.

I am sooo glad that I found WW as it has given me a real insight into other women's struggles with this condition. I do not want to have the operation and have been reading that posture is a contributing factor.

Has anybody had any experience with the 'Saddle Chair'? I sit a lot at work and would like to think that I am helping myself in the best possible way so thought that this might work?

Any advice??


Hi ER and welcome to Whole Woman! If you are just starting out, then you are about to learn that THE most important aspect of prolapse management is posture. Specifically, to restore lower lumbar curvature so that the organs have a place to live in the relaxed lower belly. Whether sitting or standing or moving, you will learn to protect that lumbar curvature as much as possible. I have no experience with this chair, but if you can sit in it without collapsing your spine, then it's probably OK. But if it does anything to make the lumbar curve difficult to maintain, then I'd cross it off the list. Start working on the posture principles and then you will be in a better position to evaluate anything and everything that you do, and tweak things as needed to make your life more prolapse-friendly and to support the organs as they should be. - Surviving