Becoming reacquainted with my body


As I begin the Whole Woman approach to managing my pelvic organ prolapse I realise that I have to make physical changes to my posture and breathing while coordinating the two so they compliment each other. This is not easy for me. I find standing in the posture, breathing in while relaxing my lower belly and pulliing up through the top of my head while walking particularly challenging. To say the least. I've been doing the opposite for so many years! This morning before getting out of bed, I had a quiet conversation with my uterus. I promised to hang on to it as long as possible and asked that it work with me. This is the beginning of my journey with this condition. I don't know anyone else who has this problem so I'm using this forum as a place to connect with women going through the same. Any comments and suggestions are very welcome.


Well my friend, your uterus seems to be behaving quite well so far, from what you have written elsewhere, so please don't blame her. Even those on this forum whose uteri are trying to escape would certainly not ever consider parting with something so fundamental to health and well-being. Take it a step at a time. I had major problems with belly-relaxing for months. If you only concentrate on one thing at the beginning, make it that. If your belly is relaxed, you will breathe through the belly naturally, so that's one less thing you have to tell yourself all day long. Despite being a chest breather, I had no problems with the breathing portion of this, because of the relaxed belly (it might not work that way for everyone). Anyway, the relaxed belly helped me remember to pull up my chest, because I was pretty sure I'd look pregnant if I didn't do that. So one thing feeds the next. It need not feel like you're trying to do ten things at once. And remember....prolapse is so incredibly common that you probably know lots of women who are affected, and aren't talking. Here, we can't shut up! Good luck, you'll be great. - Surviving

I so agree surviving,
Although my old girl can be troublesome at times, I wouldn't trade her for all the stitches in the world. I always remember how Christine explains the vast importance of our uteruses and the role they play in prolapse management. Thanks for bringing that up!!

Hi Dear steadele & welcome,
I had the same problem with coordinating breathing and holding up the chest when I started this work in 2012. It is because our muscles and underlying fascia muscles are shortened, contracted and chronically pulled in.
Start with the posture and reading as much as you can. Your body will tell you what to work on next, like slow deliberate posture walking - see if you can get your dogs to walk with you more slowly on flatter ground until you feel better... Also just living in the posture is exercise in itself.

To really benefit as much as possible I decided to learn the DVDs a few months ago and now am able to do so many everyday things with so much more ease than ever - I am still learning, still quite stiff but nothing like in the beginning...There is also a wonderful compact online exercise session available with Christine's new online program.

I offer you tremendous encouragement with this work as you will realize benefits as you go. It is a consuming thinking / learning / listening to your body, while demolishing popular commonly held beliefs! However - it is truly worth it...

Take your time to learn and be patient with yourself - it is like learning anything new and like driving, there are some things that become automatic, however self observation, & regular adjustment is what we do with every activity, or we would drive off the road...

I was observing myself yesterday, with increased strength, being able to maneuver my full supermarket trolley, to my car, and the process of lifting and carrying, walking and climbing stairs and hoisting extra bags with each hand when home... I feel so much better about doing this job on my own...

For me the 3 biggest benefits from all this thinking learning and doing the foundation of posture and exercise ( for me the Hips first and 1st wheel), and adding strength training - very slowly & have increased the weight once recently - with only 2 arm exercise in the Hips DVD. - 1)ABILITY 2) STRENGTH & 3) CONFIDENCE to do more!!

I believe I would be very disabled by now if I had not found Christine's WWP & exercise DVDs to work with.

If you read members success stories on the relevant forum, along with what people post here, and Christine's Blog articles, you will find many benefits of this work, which we would love to read as you go.

My hips have improved so much and my rectocele is much more manageable now and my uterus which was becoming more of a potential prolapse is now sitting in front of my pubic bone. Have you read Christine's experience and why she started her research journey?

Wishing you all the best with this journey,
Aussie Soul Sister

I agree with all of the above.
Good posture and good breathing go together naturally. It takes and patience for this to become unconscious - but in time it does.
One simple practice which might help is to lie on your back. 1 hand on your chest, 1 hand on your belly. Simply breathe easy… As you inhale, relax your belly, and as you breathe in feel your abdomen gently rise a little. As you exhale feel your abdomen gently go down a little. Just keep gently breathing like this for a few minutes a day. This helps to get in tune with healthy breathing habits. To begin with you may have to do it self consciously, but after a while it comes naturally.