premenstrual symptoms during m/pause


Hi everyone,
It is 8 months since menstruation stopped. During last few days I have developed breast sensitivity - soreness, which has slowly increased in the nipple area. I have had a very few stabbing feelings in the armpits last week. Used to get those sometimes in the past.
Hot flushes stopped about two months ago - put that down to colder weather, exercise and drinking more water.
My uterus is quiet, and the vulva is very moist also.
Am not pregnant.
I did have a small fibroid, which I feel was what caused my last 3 cycles to be spotting periods, so I may have entered m/pause earlier without it.
Is this anyone else's experience?
Thankyou in advance for any thoughts shared.

Best wishes,
Aussie Soul Sister

Soul Sis, I think probably what you describe is pretty normal. My periods, and pre-menstrual symptoms, were all over the map for months; stopped for awhile and then came back. I believe you have to go a full year without a period before considering yourself officially done with them. My hot flashes, though never too extreme, went on for years. i even still get one from time to time even though I haven't had a period since 2002. But you are still definitely in that transitional window of time when anything goes. - Surviving

Dear Surviving,
Thankyou so much for your reassuring reply.
Best wishes,
Aussie Soul Sister