Cystocele with first child now pregnant with number 2 & worried


Hi all,

I'm new to this forum and indeed the prolapse world, so I thought I would ask some questions because I'm feeling very isolated & afraid. I was diagnosed with a grade 2 cystocele 8 weeks after my son was born last year. I was completely devastated. He was a forceps delivery after 4 hours of pushing. 2 episiotomies, 3rd degree tear & suspected internal tearing. I had fecal incontinence following labour which lasted a few weeks, as well as a loss of sensation that has managed to come back through physio & a tens machine. I have had wonderful support from my physio & my GP. Dr's tend to get bashed a lot but mine is great, she adopts a wholesome approach & isn't quick to write scripts, she has directed me toward naturopaths & vitamins before as well as suggesting physio & Pilates/yoga for my prolapse. I am now 7 weeks along with my second & have really been able to feel my prolapse for the past couple of days. My pelvic floor muscles also hurt. My physio has said no pessaries during pregnancy due to the BV risk, which I understand, but it still worries me that I can't 'do anything' about it. I used a pessary for a while when it first happened & was overall happy with it, but the last few times I saw my physio she said my strength was good & she also couldn't see the prolapse so I didn't need the pessary. I'm wondering what I am to expect as the pregnancy progresses? Some days I can't lift my son & it breaks my heart. I also have days where laying down seems to bring the only relief. I cannot find my information on the internet so I feel as though there is no hope. Even though the physio couldn't see it, I still feel something (I haven't looked because I don't know what I would be looking for) I hate this so much. It's always in the back of my mind & I feel like it's stopping me from living my life. I'm scared got menopause when I will lose the hormones that are "supporting" everything. So I guess long story short, will my cystocele get worse the further along I get? If it gets worse than it is now I will be beside myself. Any information would be greatly appreciated

Hi Ezzron and welcome. We have some more experienced prolapsed younger moms on here, and hopefully we will get a response from one or more of them. You will definitely go through some ups and downs with your prolapse during the pregnancy, but it should not be a cause for alarm. Towards the end I believe that everything moves up, and for the birth things tend to get out of the way. You do want to aim for a gentle birth that is not flat on your back, that position just complicates the baby's pathway out.

I had a very large first baby with long labor and episiotomy. I can vouch for the loss of sensation though I wasn't quite as beat up as you were. Not to take away from your PT's efforts, but feeling does come back on its own in most cases.

You do need to start managing your prolapse with WW posture. Have you looked around the site? In proper posture, you can certainly lift and carry your older child, and the weight actually improves the dynamics of pelvic organ support. A relaxed lower belly and pulled-up chest give you that lovely natural lumbar curvature that we all had as children, before we were taught to suck in our bellies tight. Traditional yoga, pilates and exercise programs in general stress an abdominal "core" and have some moves that are killers for pelvic organ support - OK for men, but women have a lower center of gravity and need exercises that don't push their organs into their vaginas!

Relax and be reassured that things will be fine. Poke around here and ask whatever questions arise. I would give anything to have discovered all of this as a young mom. There is so much you can do when you start early. - Surviving

Hello Ezzron

I had a mild cystocele after my third baby which resolved on its own. I actually didn't realize it was a cystocele that I had had, until I was pregnant with my 4th. Mine came again in the 5th month, after moving furniture. It really was awful, very full and heavy feeling and I was a wreck. (if you read my old posts you'll see I was pretty rotten feeling about the whole thing, my posts were crabby and whiney... I was a wreck) But once my belly was nice and round, I had no issues until after the delivery. Fast forward 15 months after a safe delivery and I would say I am 95% asymptomatic. I do not do a lot of the exercises, except fire breathing and nauli, but living in posture is key. When I do get out of sorts, I know that I can do extra fire breathing or nauli, and I feel better quickly. I do know what it feels like to be scared and sad and feel like life is over, but it isn't. Carry your child, just be mindful of how you carry. Push the stroller, just in strong WW posture. Everything can be done, but in WW posture. I got my 7 year old to carry the laundry for me at first, now I carry smaller loads, close to my body, held up higher than I used to. You can feel when you are doing it right and the new WW will become second nature. You will become aware of how your body should move and look in WW posture and you will learn to love it. Letting go of the tummy is the hardest part, but slowly it will come! I know it was pretty bad when I was pregnant, but I have learned and am confident that I can manage this, even into menopause and after because I know how to sit and stand and breathe, how I was meant to. You can too, be confident in your ability to do this, and in your body, that it can adapt and change as well! Life is great, and yes I still have my POP, and she knows I know she is there and that suits me just fine. She reminds me to walk and sit and breathe like I do. So yes, I have learned well how to live with her, and you will as well!

Can anyone recommend a natural alternative to the crappy gel the gynocologists give with the pessary?
I feel like using a little bit of coconut oil, but don't know if it would brake down the crappy substance of the pessary itself..