Fire Breathing



I have done fire breathing in the past and found it very helpful. I was re reading Christine's book last night and it said in regards to fire breathing not to do it if you have hypertension.
I have recently been diagnosed with hypertension. Can someone please explain why it is a problem?
Also, if hypertension is under control with medication is it okay to fire breathe?




Hi Ausy, here is a good discussion on the subject:

An interesting read. I will be borrowing a blood pressure monitor from the doctor to check how my bp is going. I think I might try checking before/after fire breathing to see if there is a difference and also during as suggested in the topic you referred me to. I have never had an issue and I have probably fire breathed before knowing my bp was an issue. Obviously if my bp spikes I will have my answer. I hope not as I find it immensely helpful.

The warning about BP and firebreathing is a necessary one, but if you check once or twice using the monitor I'm sure you will be absolutely fine to continue. Especially if your BP is being controlled with medication. FB is just too important of a tool to give up! Good luck and let us know what you find. - Surviving