Social media? (Facebook, Twitter, etc)


When I searched in Facebook for Whole Woman I didn't find anything. I feel like there are so many people on Facebook that you are really missing out on reaching out to these people. Same with Twitter, I know Christine has an account, but it should be kept active, someone should be tweeting daily to keep people not only up to date but also interested and engaged.

Just wanted to add my 2 cents :)

Christine has a Facebook page, it is here:

I've suggested they should have links on their site, hopefully some day they will.

Here is the YouTube Channel:

Don't know the Twitter account. - Surviving

hi, just as MovingForward posted above, i also am wondering why WW Forum isnt a closed group on FB ?
I had joined a POP group on FB but am discouraged as the admins all seem to be
pro-surgery & even though they say they are open to all prolapse options, they dont neccesarily promote WholeWoman methods. Many members even admit to having multiple surgeries to fix a previous surgery. The format on this forum can be difficult to follow.... Just wondering why the Forum is not on Facebook?....

Many of us are not on Facebook, though I realize those who are on Facebook may feel as you do. But I think many will appreciate the complete anonymity of our forum. I don't find this forum to be confusing at all, perhaps if you tell us why you feel that way, we can help you figure it out. - Surviving

Here are some suggestions for following the forum.

In addition to the "recent comments" section on the left, if you go to "Recent Posts" under the Navigation section, you can see which threads have been commented on recently. And if you are signed in when doing so, you can easily see which ones you have not read yet.

Also when you are signed in, you can click on any user's name and "track" their posts. You can click on your own user name (or on "my account" in the top left corner) to track your own can see every thread that you have commented on.

And of course there is a search box where you can enter terms and look for posts. This works whether signed in or not.

Anyone please feel free to chime in with other tips. It's actually quite an easy format in my opinion. Keeping the discussion here has great advantages over FB, which not everyone uses or wants to. And our discussions are open for anyone to read, member or guest. - Surviving

I agree with surviving,
When I first found prolapse I was embarrassed and didn't even sign up on the forum for the first couple of months, but I could still read about what other women were going through. When I became more comfortable with this site and myself, I dived right in.
It is all a matter of just searching around on here and surviving gave some great information on how to.
I also got rid of Facebook years ago. Everybody in everybody else's business really annoyed me. I do like the anonymity of the way this forum is set up.

I too was quite active on Facebook for awhile, but dumped it 3 years ago with no plans ever to return. i was spending more and more time there, and enjoying it less. It is not really the place where I want to discuss my prolapse, and I know Christine herself has had problems on FB groups she tried to join, with members who were not receptive to this work for all kinds of unfortunate reasons.

I do wish that there was a link to the WW Facebook page here on this site, however. It's hard to find otherwise. - Surviving

I can appreciate the anonymity of this forum and i did manage to find WW quite by accident. The searching and checking it all out led me to my first forum post.. I guess it was all the 1st time posts in the wrong areas that threw me... a thread of conversation would be interrupted by a new post and the topic would stray in a new direction. The more I read on the forum, the more I learned. understood how it worked...
It is unfortunate with other prolapse FB groups not being receptive.. I felt the negativity any time I posted praise to WW techniques.. when I see the occasional inquiry about WW, it does seem to be rebuked with negative comments.. but it is all a choice, we find a path to follow seeking prolapse help/support.. thankfully mine led me here! :)

In doing and promoting this work, we are up against the entire medical establishment, and the whole population of women who have been managed by that establishment since birth. The internet is one of the things that is slowly changing that, because the longer sites like WW and the HERS Foundation have been around, the less excuse women have for blindly following their doctors down a destructive path of treatment. But the "other guys" are using the internet too. It's certainly no accident that you would find WW when searching the internet for prolapse information. But it does take work and effort to separate the good from the bad.

The website, blog, library and resources pages, not to mention Christine's body of work, are extremely well organized. But the forum is a place for open communication and does get a bit random at times. That's the beauty of it! - Surviving

I just can't get this idea out of my head so this is the best place that I can think of to let it out. Let me preface that when this happened to me, I was shocked. Then when I went to my OB/GYN for a diagnosis, she asked me to cough during the exam. She also asked me a series of questions that she'd never asked me before about leaking when I sneeze, cough…you know the drill. I had begun to have some of these symptoms and have had them periodically over the past 10 years but they would subside with physical activity, strength training…
Here is my question, I now know that although this appeared to happen suddenly (the POP), I feel sure that IF she had asked me to cough every year during my exam like ALL Mens' Doctors do, I would have had a heads up and possibly found this group sooner.
We have a national campaign for breast cancer, prostate… I keep thinking about a campaign "Does your OB/GYN make you cough during your exam?
I'm only 3 weeks into this (POP) and 2 days on this site but I am just completely frustrated with the medical approach and the PT, pilates and yoga approach to this. I have a large following of women 30 - 65 on my FB page for my fitness, nutrition and lifestyle articles for women. I am going to do something with this in the future in some form for my own peace of mind. I can't perpetuate the secret anymore. I would love to see this grow into a bigger campaign. Women should be demanding better care, treatment and attention to this matter. I would love any feedback from this forum. The marketing behind it is just a seed in my thoughts; and I will be nurturing it until grows to maturity and begs to be unleashed.

Totally agree with SH. Whole Woman has been around for going on 15 years, trying to educate women while fighting the huge medical establishment. Almost 10K women from all over the world have passed through the pages of this forum. Whatever it is, it is more than a national movement, it is worldwide. But it is David fighting Goliath.

I agree that trying to get doctors to do more screening is of no help. Because doctors are of no help here; in fact, they do more harm that good. In Christine's own words, those women who cannot separate themselves from their doctors are the ones least likely to succeed at prolapse management the WW way (which is the only way).

Sierra, if you have the ears of a large population of women, you have a unique opportunity to spread the word. But if you plan to "market" WW in any way, you need to contact Lanny; he is in charge of all that. - Surviving


No plans to market WW. I am thinking months down the road and just being a middle man feeding these women (who aren't talking) to WW. Even without practicing it yet, I completely agree with the postural aspect being the cause. My background in postural alignment, chi-running, stretch therapy and personal training gives me more insight into the problem. Not soon enough to prevent it from happening to me, but I hate for it to happen to one more person. I only waisted 2 weeks on doctors and PT's but I don't want to see others waste one minute on treatment that not only doesn't work but perpetuates the condition.

Here is the pic from that thread.

Thank you. The pic helped. I was doing it correctly except that I couldn't figure out what to do with my head. Much more relief today. Will try to the walk again tomorrow after doing the first aid DVD moves and unhappy tummy. They are working well together.

Going up and down the stairs is constant and unavoidable still while I am at home. Any tips on this. Obviously in posture, but exhale on exertion (when stepping and weight goes into forward foot? I can't help but analyze it especially because it is a repetitive activity for me. Last night I felt like the bulge was worse and I'm sure that the stairs contributed.