Dear Aspendale / chair & standing exercises


Hi Dear Aspendale, DVD benefits...
Firstly, for particular individual situations, particularly your knee replacements, a call to Christine,could help you further.
I have had a read around the net to study the implications of knee replacement - there seems to be different advice as to what activities can be done with them - I only hope you are not in pain.

This is in reply to a question you had about non - floor exercises. I can't find the thread that you posted on, as I needed time to study the Elder's DVD and do some reading order to answer your Q properly.
Doing the exercises that you can do - chair and standing are so supportive and reinforce WWP, with Christine's instructions reinforcing the posture as you do them.
The chair exercises will help strengthen your shoulder girdle, neck,arms, hands and torso, lengthening your muscles and fascia muscles, and opening up the skeleton.
The internal organs including the heart have the room to perform their functions, when they are no longer squashed - a huge benefit!
A stronger shoulder girdle acts like a coat hanger from which the rest of your body is supported, with your hips carrying the weight of your upper body evenly, taking some of the stress from the lower limbs, enabling the body to hold the posture more easily.
The standing exercises help with leg strength, develops your foot arch, & exercises the hips. These exercises help increase balance, Whole Woman walking, & joint mobility to name three important benefits.

I do the chair exercises in the hips DVD which are a less modified version of the Elders & also I have been able to see that many of the exercises that Christine does on the floor, can be done in a chair, and are very effective - you could graduate to those over time if you feel you are stronger from the Elder's exercises. There are also very good standing, supported if you wish, foot arch, and walking gait exercises.
Belly breathing, through the nose can be done at all times and in bed a good way to go off to sleep, focusing on the breathing. I have also just started using the belly breathing as a kind of meditation, bringing awareness back to it when thoughts occur - as with anything new it will take practice....

I take the exercises very slowly, and have built up strength, and I would like to think even some technique, over time. Listen to your body & it could amaze you with it's capability. Whole Woman is such an holistic approach - I see that in every day living & activities now, as I gradually undo the years of unhelpful habits.

All the very best to you in this journey,
Aussie Soul Sister


Aspendale - this above post is for you - I can't find where you originally posted.

Soul Sis, here is Aspendale's original post. It took some effort to find. Sometimes the search function on here simply misses stuff. I've witnessed numerous instances of this.

Thankyou Surviving for coming to my rescue and finding Aspendale's post.
I wrote most of the post at the time after watching the Elder's DVD and finished it later not dreaming that I wouldn't find the thread...Not being able to click on her name made it more difficult no matter the key words I used.
I will leave it here in the hope that she finds it helpful, and place this link on the other thread.
Thanks again,
Aussie Soul Sister